Thursday, August 27, 2020

Thursday This n That

I'm currently adding words to that mystery thing I started back in June.  For the most part, it's slow going, but I am still writing every day.  (Except Sunday.  I took Sunday off.)

Welcome to the next round of 'people have gone shitpants crazy' in America.

I did some much-needed weeding yesterday.  The last time I weeded was early June, so yeah, it needs it.  I had big plans to get a bunch of it done.  I did three smaller beds and quit because I was soaked in sweat and plum tuckered out. 

This is the last day Owl will be here.  Laundry and packing for her.  I'll be making pizza.  I think the old hands can take it.  And if they can't, well they need to get the hell over it.  Tomorrow, we'll head north to the airport.  Then I'll collapse. 

All this 'start, stop, start, stop' 'constantly wondering what's next' crap is exhausting.  Which, by the way, is the general consensus of people I've talked to around here.  Everyone is exhausted.

On one of my walks this week, I came across the teeny-tiniest, widdle-bitty baby snake.  Probably no more than 4 inches long and about the diameter of a piece of yarn.  It was a baby ring-necked snake - black with a pretty yellow necklace.  So cute.  I picked it up and it sat in my palm for a minute before it wanted down.  I set it off the road and it went its merry way into the long grass.  I'm so glad I didn't see it squashed in the road.  That would've given me a sad.

Well, I guess that's it for me today.  What's on your this-n-that radar?

1 comment:

  1. Yay for still writing, weeding, safe travels for Owl, pretty sure I would have just used a stick to move the baby off the road but yay you. Pizza it is!

    I'm back to being disgusted with the world. 'Nuff said. 🤯

    I'm still writing. Sort of. It comes in fits and starts but at least it comes. That's something.

    Loki discovered a hummingbird on the feeder. Sort of freaked him out. The hummer didn't mind the black cat watching through the window. The scene ended before I could get my phone to take a picture. 🐱‍👤

    The heat is back. Laura is missing us but it looks like y'all might get a taste of her.

    Weird dreams. Fragmented. Last night's had me deciding if I could pair yoga pants with a T-shirt and a belt and get by for some sort of meeting. I don't OWN yoga pants and wouldn't be caught dead in them at home alone much less in public! 😜

    Jake and I did a Wallyworld run. I think it was old people day because there was a BUNCH of them and they were all dog lovers. I finally just gave up and let him get all the pets he wanted. 🐶

    Speaking uf, he also went to vote with me Tuesday because he's a fav with the poll workers. They all petted, one took a picture, and another nominated him as the the official greeter because he sat and put a paw up each time someone new walked in. Pet hound.🙄

    That's pretty much my week. I'm slow getting around today. Brain's fuzzy and still freaked out about yoga pants....

    Safe trips tomorrow. Enjoy the pizza. 🥰
