Saturday, March 18, 2023

Saturday Reading Wrap-up - 3/18/23

 I know I haven't done one of these in a while.  There's a reason.  I'm still reading the same book I've been reading since the last Reading Wrap-up.  No books finished, nothing DNF'd.  Not exactly an exciting thing to talk about every Saturday.  I had hoped to finish the book this week, but it didn't happen.  I will finish it and then get back to reading more books, but this ain't the day.  

I'm not going to ask what you've read all these weeks.  You can talk about it if you would like, but it's too much to ask.  I will only ask what you read this past week.  Share away.

1 comment:

  1. Just a quick update on my progress. I've slowed down lately, too. I'm currently at 30 books on my quest to read 150, which puts me at 1 book behind. I should finish a book today. If I hadn't fallen asleep during the narration last night and then decided this morning to go back to "catch up" on the parts I slept through, I'd for sure be finished today. Currently doing a run/walk marathon of Jennifer Estep's Crown of Shards/The Gargoyle Queen series and spin-off. I finished the 3 books of Shards and am working on the first book of Queen, CAPTURE THE CROWN. These are fantasy with a romantic arc that covers 3 books. The 3rd book in Queen released last week. I'm looking forward to the "finale" and curious if there will be a 3rd series set in this world. Not sure where I'll turn after I'm done here. FYI, these are all 5 stars and a couple of them got my "best book of the year" shelf tag on GR.

    Hope you get the sub book finished and find something you can sink your chops into! Happy reading.
