Sunday, August 19, 2018

Sunday Update - Week Derp


Which means I edited my brains out last week. 

Nothing much else went on. 


Seriously, though, I busted my hump and I got it out on the 18th like I said I would.  I still haven't gotten links up in all the places, though.  I'll do that today. 

I did little reading.  I only really got one day of active in and that was yesterday morning when I couldn't look at another crutch word to save myself.  No fishing.  No gardening.  The house is a pigsty.  I've neglected Hubs and the cat. 

But it's done.

Now, I have to format it for print and go over Unequal again to clean it up a bit for AWE. 

I might even finish that book I was reading today. 

What were you up to last week?

Oh, and the book is for sale at $2.99 or free with your Kindle Unlimited subscription.  Be warned: It's totally snarky.


  1. I've downloaded it to KU. I'll get it read and a review up soon. I'm still in revision hell. I'm at least on chapter 4 now. Hopefully, it will get easier. Changing the characters changes so much other carp that red herrings would be a blessing. Too bad this is a contemporary romance and not a whodunit. One more cup of coffee and then back to the trenches!

    Can't wait to read SU!!!!

  2. Congratulations on getting it done and live! I can't wait to read it!

    Exercise can happen *this* week. It's supposed to be cooler. :-)

    I got a few pages written on SR, and several done on the dressmaking book. Man, I wish I wrote faster! But words come as they come. LOL!
