Thursday, January 4, 2018

2017 Wrap Up

I'm taking the day off of this n thats to finish wrapping up 2017.  It'll be back next week.  Meanwhile, let's see if I can piece together how last year went for me.

Writing...  I put three first drafts in the can.  Wish Hits the Fan, Sleeping Ugly, and Early Grave.  I made a start on the third book in the Dennis Haggarty series.

Editing... I got Natural Causes and Wish Hits the Fan edited for publication.  I made a start on editing Early Grave.  And I finished the year diving into edits for Blink of an I.

Publishing... Natural Causes (Dennis Haggarty #2) went live, as did Wish Hits the Fan (Once Upon a Djinn #4).  WHTF closed out that series arc.  

Reading... I finished 90 books in 2017.  For the breakdown there, go here.  I also DNF'd (did not finish) about twenty others.

Personal... Not a lot happened on a personal front.  Hubs and I celebrated our 13th anniversary.  The Kid turned 24.  Kira turned 14.  So did the car.  I pretty much decided that the ankle I thought I sprained back in August was actually broken.  Had some health issues with family members that turned out okay, but one of them lost his battle with diabetes.  Early-Autumn, I started doing more work for the family business.

Fishing... For a breakdown of that, go here.

That's about it.  I think. 

Not a bad year, all in all.  Still, I'm looking forward to a better, more productive 2018.  So far, so good, I guess. 

How'd your 2017 go? 


  1. It went. I started off the year sick and finished it sick. I'm gettin' a little tired of that $#!+. I wrote. I published. I got behind due to health issues on home and publisher fronts. It happens. It was a down year for sales. I'm hoping 2018 reverses that trend. In other words, same ol', same ol'. As long as I get out of bed each morning, it's a good day. :)

    It's supposed to warm up a little this week. Go fishing if you can.
