Sunday, February 6, 2022

Sunday Update - Week 5

Welcome to Sunday.  For some reason, I keep waking up at 4am.  Which makes me want to go to bed extra early, which makes me want to wake up early... Blerg.


I'm making progress on Song of Storm and Shroud.  This third round of editing is not going any faster than the second, though.  Still, I'm at the part where I make notes and then enter them right away, instead of the part where I make all the notes and enter them when I reach THE END.  So, what I have now is pretty close to what's going to be there when it goes out to the world.  (Unless I go totally nuts and decide to make this one book into several by fleshing out shorter scenes and delving deep into the characters and the world.  Which would be kind of cool.  But if I do that, I'll never get this book done.  Except it might be better for it.  GAH!)  Anyway, I'm 49 pages into what is currently a 370 page Word file.

No marketing this week.  I'm too busy.  

No reading for the same reason.

I did do some baking, though.  I made white bread.  It turned out pretty good.  It could be better.  I screwed something up early on and I also probably should've kneaded it more.  Hubs likes it, so it's all good.  I also made no-bake cookies and added tiny pretzel sticks to them.  Those are tasty, but gargantuan, so eating one is like eating three or four.  

I also got some log work done.  That was 3 out of my 4 active days this week - sawing logs and working on restacking the stacks.  We've pulled out a fourth pallet and we're putting all the smaller wood pieces on that, which means taking the smaller wood pieces out of the other three pallets and restacking those.  

The fourth day was shoveling snow.  We got about 8 inches.  It looks pretty, but it also looks like the reason I left Michigan.  Derp.  

In other news, Beauregard the Broad-winged Hawk took down what I think was a Brewer's blackbird.  I got some awesome pics of him eating it in the snow.  

We've been having flocks of blackbirds (I think they're Brewer's) pass through over the last week or so.  Easy pickin's for a hawk like Beau.  

We're also having larger numbers of deer stop by.  The snow draws them in because they know they can get food here without having to dig through the white stuff.  I think we counted 24 at one point yesterday.  

Okay, we've been watching the Olympics.  I know, I know.  They shouldn't be holding an Olympics in China in the first place.  Here's my thinking on the subject:  The time to boycott this crap was when the Olympics committee was thinking about awarding China with the prize of holding this winter's games there.  When there was still time to change the location.  It's not like any of China's crap hasn't been going on for years.  So, the games are there now and our athletes - the ones who've been working for years to get to this point - are there now.  So, I'm watching.  If you want to hurt China, beat the crap out of their athletes by winning.  Win everything.  And highlight the dirty, rotten, nasty things China has done and is doing while celebrating the achievements of all the other athletes.  Not watching and not cheering on the good people who had no part in China's abuses doesn't hurt China.  It hurts the good people.  

And besides, I'm already boycotting so many things.  It's tiring.  I want to watch people achieving their goals and winning awards.  I want to get excited when they do something awesome.  The world is a shitty enough place.  Leave me alone with my little bright spots.  =op

Not much else going on here.  They still haven't plowed my road.  But I have nowhere to go, so I'm not that twicked about it.  (Twicked... it's something I used in my book, so I'm trying it out here.  On a personal note, I need to cut down on my swearing.  New neighbors have little ears and I swear a lot when I'm working outside.  It's not an easy task, lemme tell ya.)

Okay, your turn.  How was your week?  


  1. Beau is all kinds of awesome! Have you considered throwing out some hay with the corn? In this day and age, not sure if it's any cheaper but a thought. It goes a little further than corn. Also yay for being phsycial and if the darn books wants to be 2 or 3 books, listen to it! I speak from experience. LOL Twicked! I LIKE it!

    Yeah, genocide olympics. Not watching. Beat them? Yeah, we could if there was a fair playing field. Our speed skaters already got screwed out of the finals because they beat China. I hope NBC tanks and loses a whole lot of money, along with all the other sponsors. I can cheer them on without watching and celebrate IF they win. I have serious doubts they can. Also, have you seen the videos from the Covid Quarantine hotels over there where athletes are being warehoused? Anyway... On that note, in my week.

    I finished off my last Diet Coke. After 40 years, I'm leaving Coke products. They don't need the substantial (more me) amount of $$ I spent on their products monthly. I've switched to Pepsi. I'm getting used to it. Why Pepsi? Because the woke tried to cancel them because they dared to contribute to the Republican Party. No more politics. Anyway...

    Dealing with Boone has pretty much taken the wind out of our sails as far as accomplishing anything. I think I got maybe 500 words written. For the week. *hangs head in shame* When he's constantly pusshing at my arms, legs and chair and I often have to back away from my desk, trying to hold a coherent thought much less be creative is a pipe dream. LG compared it to having a colicky baby. We're taking turns so that we can both get some rest and peace. The vet just shrugs. Ah well.

    I did get some books listened to. One new, the rest repeats. Considering how Boone's been pestering today (and he won't take the calming meds--eats what we try to disguise it with, spits out the pill--so I doubt I get much work done--at my desk or physical because he's always right there. I've almost fallen over him a hundred time because I turn around and he's RIGHT THERE. It is what it is. Sorry for unloading the frustration.

    Like a mentioned last week was pretty much null. On a good note, we did have siren test despite frigid temps and that meant lunch with the James Gang at our favorite Mex restaurant. Awesome food and company. Stormy is a hoot and we're pleased to see his mom following in our footsteps of "harrassing" him. He has a cursh on an 8th grade girl and is sending her a "candygram" fro Valentine's Day. He blushed and actually put his head in his arms down on the table as his mom teased. Go Only!

    Okay, it's only taken me 20 minutes to get this written and I think it sort of makes sense despite the interruptions. On that note, have an awesome week and enjoy what's left of today!!!

  2. Yay for editing progress! Your cooking sounds soooo good. It's probably a good thing I'm a terrible cook.

    I agree with all your thoughts on the Olympics. I'm not watching, but not because I'm boycotting -- I don't own a TV, and going to Mom's is beyond frustrating.

    Your snow photos are so cool! Save them for summer when it's too hot to breathe. All of our "snow" has melted, except in the deep shade. I'm still a bit chilled, though. I need to get more insulation into my walls.

    I managed a bunch of words and ten illustrations this week. Woohoo!

  3. We isolated for four days during the ice storm. We didn't get snow as much as ice which is way more treacherous.
