Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Three Years

Three years ago today, Dying Embers was released into the world.  It's been a wild ride ever since, but I wouldn't trade this cuckoo trip for anything.

In the past three years, I've published 9 books.  (Shoulda been 12, if I'd kept to my original plan of 4 a year, but stuff happens.)  NINE. That's pretty damn good, if I do say so myself.  I know Hubs is impressed.

Nine books.  Three cover artists (four if you include me), two editors, one author.  I like the cover artist and the editor I have now, so currently it's just one one one.  Which works for me.  And I'm pretty happy with how things are going in my little self-publishing empire.

In the past three years, here's what we did...

Dying Embers
Accidental Death
Wish in One Hand
Blood Flow

In Deep Wish
Fertile Ground
Up Wish Creek

Natural Causes
Wish Hits the Fan

And a look ahead at 2018's tentative schedule is
Blink of an I (Feb)
Early Grave (May)
Sleeping Ugly (August)
Undetermined (either DH3 or Unequal) (November)

Anyway, I'm pretty tickled.  If I'd been paying attention, I might've done a sale or something today, but I wasn't, so instead of giving readers an inexpensive read or a free book, all I have to give you is my gratitude.  Thanks for reading my books.  You guys are awesome.


  1. That's quite a record to look back on! Congratulations!!!! And I remember when DE came out. I was so excited for you. Still love that book, too. I might have to give it a re-read given my reading slump lately. :)

    Yeah, I keep meaning to put the Moonstruck books on sale whenever there's a big moon event and then I forget. Maybe I'll get around to putting EVERYTHING on sale the week of my birthday. If I remember to contact all the sales outlets. *sigh*

    1. Thanks! You've been such a big supporter all along and I really appreciate having you in my life. :hugs:

      I love LOVE love your Moonstruck books! Well, all your books. Put 'em all on sale and let me know. I'll see what I can do to blast FB with the news. =o)

  2. Yay! Nine books in three years is a LOT of writing and editing! And they're all great! I need to stop chickening out on Fertile Ground - none of the others squidged me out.

    I'm not convinced sales are helpful. I put Illusion's Child on sale over the holidays. Sold ONE copy during the sale. I sold more right before and after it! Too weird.

    1. Thanks! I also appreciate all your support of the years, Deb. You're awesome. :hugs:

      I'm not sure I even knew you were having a sale. Getting the word out is key. Like I told Silver, let me know when you're on sale and I'll try to blast FB with it.
