Friday, October 18, 2024

Trying New Things

 First off, I'm trying a new marketing image:

Pretty snazzy, eh?  Whatever I'm doing seems to be working, so there's a win for the new images, I guess.

Then last night, I tried making battered fish fillets.  I mean, I'm an old hand at breading stuff, but this is the first time I tried battering.  And I didn't use a recipe, so you can imagine.  All in all, it was pretty good for a first try.  They were pretty damn tasty, even if the breading turned out more like pancake batter and the pan was too hot, so the batter was done waaaay before the fish was cooked through.  I nuked them to get the fish done, which un-crispied the batter.  :shrug:  And tilapia probably wasn't the best fish for this experiment.  Like I said, they were tasty.  And there are leftovers, so lunch is taken care of today. 

A while back, I tried putting raspberry jam on a chocolate cake.  First I tried spreading the jam when it was cold.  That did not work.  I heated it in the microwave and then spread it.  That worked fine.  Once it all cooled, I put vanilla frosting over the jam layer.  It was super nummy.

The point here, I think, is that trying new things is good for you.  Sometimes they work.  Sometimes they don't.  But you've gotta keep trying.  And no, I'm not advocating getting rid of the old things.  Old things and old ways are good, too.  Sometimes the old ways can get boring, though.  Shoot off the beaten path and explore new horizons.  You never know what you'll find.  Jus' sayin'.

1 comment:

  1. Next time, try beer batter. It's easy and can be used for just about anything you want to batter and fry from fish to onion wings. 2 cups self-rising flour, 1 12 oz. can or bottle of beer. You can also use non-alchoholic beer. Easy peasy. Glad your new graphics are working and you're moving copies! I hope everyone grabs #4 for free and then goes back to buy the rest!

    Not much new going on here. I may try AI to create an image. That would be new for me because the one time I tried it, it was an unmitigated failure.

    You might call the MS you have in hand something new. For me at least. LONG book, MANY storylines. Also, there's a new character brewing on the back burner. Iffy informs me that his name is Creede.

    Now it's time for a new cup of coffee. Go fishing. Have a great weekend. Enjoy! Later, tater.
