Sunday, October 13, 2024

Sunday Update 10/13/24

What a week, eh?

Let's see... I didn't do any writing again.  I did work on edits.  I'm up to like 60% of the books that now has edit notes.  I also did some marketing.  Unequal was free Sunday - Thursday but I only moved 18 books. Not sure what the dealy-bob was there.  Perhaps Sunday is not the best day to start these marketing blasts.  Maybe I'm reaching saturation.  I guess we'll find out.  I have Wish Hits the Fan set up to go free tomorrow.  None of the other books are on sale.  Well, Wish in One Hand is set at 99c, so there's that.  Get the whole 4-book series for less than $9.  It's a pretty good deal, if I do say so myself.

Once again, I didn't do any reading.

In baking news, I made a chocolate oil cake.  This time I used corn oil rather than vegetable oil.  I'm not sure if that made a difference.  Maybe it was a little more moist.  I also made a pizza.

On the activity front, it was a wild week of cleaning, cleaning, and more cleaning.  The house looks lovely.  I also did one walk.  Mileage for the year: 51.25. Weight: 173.8

The reason for the cleaning... I mean, other than it needed to be done?  We had visitors yesterday.  Just low impact, casual chatting.  We had pizza for lunch and ate cake.  It was all good.  Well, except for the cats.  We never have visitors, so they were both totally freaked out and hid under the bed.  After a while of them not coming out, we transferred their food and water, and their litter box, into the bedroom and closed the door.  Poor things.  They finally got back to normal last night.  Little xenophobes.

Today should be back to normal all the way around.  The plan is to not do anything active and just veg.  I'll probably work on the editing notes.  Maybe I'll take a little walk.  Tomorrow, I'll be back to marketing so I should probably spend some time today working on marketing materials.  We'll see.  

How are things in your world?

1 comment:

  1. It's mostly good around here. Glad the visit went well. Cats are funny creatures. The Wish books are all kinds of awesome! I wish more people would discover the goodness of them.

    I'm down to spell and grammar checks. Word doesn't like my "in character" dialogues nor my casual writing style--even using the casual setting. 🤣 At the same time, it also chides me for using big words and calling a waitress a waitress. It wants me to use "server." 🙄 Shannon is a waitress and calls herself that so there. 😝

    You should be getting an email later today. We'll see. I need to shut my editor brain off and chase Iffy away. I'm to that point of, "No one will ever read this book, it's terrible, and I'm going to be living in a derelict van down by the river with my dog and cats!" And yeah, you know writers. We can be a dramatic lot. 🤣

    Enjoy a day of rest and your clean house. I'm off for another cup of coffee and then back to work for me! Yippee.
