Sunday, October 6, 2024

Sunday Update 10/6/24

Well, here we are again at Sunday morning.  The start of a new week, no matter what you're heard about the week starting on Monday.  I'll die on this hill.  Yeah, I'm kinda feisty today.  You wanna make somethin' of it?  ;o)

This past week... Hmm... Let's see...

I didn't write anything again.  I did reach 50% of the book on edit notes, though.  Still loving it.  Yay.  I also finished the project wherein I updated all my books (17 ebooks and 17 paperbacks) with Amazon.  So I got that going for me.  Today starts a freebie offering of UNEQUAL, and I've already been hard at work marketing this morning.  It'll be free today through the end of Thursday.  If you haven't already done so, snag yourself a copy.

Since I'm still editing, I'm still not reading.  I really need to rectify that.

In baking news, I made homemade cinnamon raisin rolls.  Bought some cream cheese frosting to slather all over them, too.  Yummers.  

I did five days worth of activity this week.  This included two walks for just under 2 miles, which brings me to over 50 miles walked this year.  I also did some cleaning, some furniture moving and book shifting, and some gardening.  I also ate a ton, so... Weight: 174.2

We're back to trying to let The Boyz have free run of the house at night.  They're older now, so there's hope.  Friday night was better than the last time we tried this, but Sawyer was still annoying.  Last night was better than Friday.  This may work this time.  Until it does, though, I'm sleep deprived.  Yay.

I have an idea floating around in my head for a new story.  Kind of a crime noir but with fairies.  And not your typical fairies, more like grungy, ill-tempered creatures with less than palatable jobs.  I don't know if I'll write it, but it's there in my head.

Anyway, I should probably go do something constructive.  Or maybe I'll just go veg in front of the TV until the sun comes up and it's light enough to actually do anything.  Have a great day wherever you are and whatever you do.  Feel free to drop a comment and let me know how your week went.

1 comment:

  1. My calendar starts the week on Sunday so there ya go. Halfway through edits is awesome! Cheers to many downloads and pages read. UNEQUAL is a cool book! The Boyz just want to be with their people! Until they don't. You know the adages--"Absence makes the heart (and cat) grow fonder" and conversely, "familiarity breeds contempt" which means they'll grow tired of togetherness and leave y'all alone. 🤣 Yay for cleaning, baking, and active stuffs. Enjoy your company when they arrive.

    My week was up and down, in and out, stop and go. Life. Ain't it wunnerful? LOL Nothing bad, just stuffs. I did make progress on the edits despite lots of fits and starts. I'm hoping for continued productivity.

    Drover got new boots and Only drove him to church camp. I "drove" her "Stang from the church/school to home, parked it, and then drove it home today so it would be there when she got home. Baseball Boy had a school function and we took Stormy to his first soccer game of the day. Only was back in time. Too hot for Jake n' me to got back for the second game.

    Good report from the eye surgeon early in the week.

    Not much else going on. I'm relistening to the Darynda Jones's Sunshine Vicram trilogy. I keep hoping she'll write another book. These are snarky stories about a snarky sheriff who was elected without her knowledge. Sunshine comes by her snark naturally--her dad was military intelligence and her mom a Vegas showgirl. There's also a hot hunk, a chunk of missing time, a daughter too smart for her own good, and lots of mysteries throughout the 3 books. Fun times.

    That's it for me. Sorry I was so slow to get around to commenting. Long day. LOL Later tater.
