Thursday, October 10, 2024

Thursday This n That

We're trying the whole 'let the cats have free run of the house at night' thing again.  After ten days of sleep deprivation, I gave in and put the cats in the office last night.  Ahhh, sleep.  Finn is a perfect little gentleman and he just wants to cuddle.  Why Sawyer feels the need to scratch the walls in the middle of the night, I'll never know.  It sounds like nails on a chalkboard.  Ah, well.  We knew what we were getting into when we adopted a kitten they had named Chili Pepper.

I still haven't cleaned the house.  

Today is grocery shopping day.  I expect this to be a large load.  Ugh.

Months ago, I bought some PERT shampoo.  Yep, they still make it.  It's okay, but it's not thrilling me as a shampoo.  Every time I use it, I feel like I can never rinse it all out of my hair.  I'm tempted to throw it out, but I have this aversion to throwing out things I paid for that might still have some useful purpose.  

I'm debating on making brownies today.  We'll see.  I might do cake instead.  Or maybe an apple-cranberry crisp.  Perhaps cookies.  We'll see.

Pumpkin pie bread...

Ahem, I really don't need baked goods.  My ass is expanding and it doesn't need any more assistance.

All the fawns have lost their spots.  This gives me a sad every year.  

Okay, I'm pretty much out of things to say this morning.  Fly and be free.

1 comment:

  1. I'm thankful all my cats over the years have gotten their zoomies out of the way before bedtime. Either that or I sleep hard when I actually sleep. I mean, I'm pretty much up every 2-3 hours anyway...

    Yeah, time to clean the house. Maybe tomorrow because grocery run will tucker you out. That's your story and you're sticking to it.

    Baked goods. Mmm Mmm good. I need to make LG stop buying chocolate candy.

    AC is fixed.

    Edits continue--in fits and starts. I really gotta knuckle down today.

    There was some other stuff that happened but I can't remember. I really need to start keeping a list.

    Okay, break time over. Back to work for me! Later, tater!
