Thursday, September 19, 2024

Thursday This n That

The other day I was walking toward the local convenience store and caught a glimpse of myself in the glass doors.  Whoa, I'm fat.  Not 'Godzilla attacks Tokyo' fat, but still.  My load looked decidedly wider than I had a firm grasp of.  Some women have a body image that they are fatter than they are.  Mine is apparently skinnier than I am.  Either that or those doors were done in funhouse mirror glass. LOL

If I have offended you, get over it.  If I haven't, I'll get to you soon. ;o)

I never had to wear glasses for most things for most of my life.  Even when my eyes started to go, I really only needed glasses if I was reading a book.  I could still make out prices at the grocery store and I could still read my monitor.  Just in the past couple of years have I needed glasses for those things and just in the past few months have I really needed them to read my monitor.  Oh, I can still make things out.  They're blurry, but I can get there.  But if I spend too much time reading blurry things I can tell it's starting to bother me.  Getting old is a blast, ain't it?  Blerg.

I finished the big marketing blast for Natural Causes in its freebie state.  I'll dish the data on Sunday for that.  Now I'm trying to decide which book to hit next.  I'm thinking Blink of an I.  We'll see.

Oh, Facebook, you big ninnies.  Why do you refresh my page?  I just clicked a link to go read an article that a friend had posted.  I read the article and came back to comment on her post, and FB refreshed my damn newsfeed so her post disappeared.  Now if I want to comment, I have to go find her FB page and then find the status update where she posted the link.  I'm too lazy to do that most days and today ain't looking any better.  I didn't have anything groundbreaking to say either, so it's not like the world will be missing out on my comment.  It's just the principle of it all.  

The article?  It was about a city government in a town in CA having their public library pull books off the shelves because they didn't feel comfortable with kids having access to the books.  I think the books were about menstruation.  Sorry, girls who wanted to learn about their bodies, but that topic is uncomfortable.  No knowledge for you.  Derp.

This whole exploding pager thing in Gaza is cracking me up.  Jeff Dunham needs to do a bit about it with Achmed the Dead Terrorist.  People are making loads of funny memes about it.  I saw one that had an old Hassidic dude sitting behind a table full of pagers... "Uncle Schlomo's Discounted Pagers" or something. ROFL  This is the best case of 'fuck around and find out'.  Go Mossad.

I've been watching a lot of gameshows lately.  I like the ones with some kind of trivia component.  Some of the contestants are really good.  Some of them are woefully ignorant.  Yesterday, on one of them, a gal buzzed in to answer the question of who said 'Ich Bin Ein Berliner'? and she answered Thomas Jefferson.  :sad head shake:  I also like Deal or No Deal, which really doesn't require any brains or skill.  And I'm a huge fan of the old Match Game.  I would rather stick needles in my eyes than watch the new Match Game hosted by Alec Baldwin.  The guy kills someone through his own extreme ignorance, and not only gets away with it, but gets a new job?  Bah and feh.

On that note, it's getting late in the morning and I have things to do.  Have a great day, wherever you are.  

1 comment:

  1. I've given up on body image. I'm also guessing funhours mirrors because...convenience store. Also, how long have we known each other? Still waitin', sistah! Let's not talk eyesight, umkay? FB only makes me hissy. Between the pager memes and the cat/dog going to war memes, I am highly entertained these days. Baldwin is a loser. The Price is Right is the only game show I watch with any regularity, mainly because I forget to turn off the TV after the 9 o'clock local news program I watch.

    That's all the this. So this is that's portion of the program.

    I got a new coffee maker. For free. As a product tester--meaning I have to leave a review. I'll admit, it's all kind of awesome!

    I've faltered on the danm book. I must get back to it this afternoon but since it's coming up on 1 and I haven't even looked at it, not lookin' good, buckos.

    I now have a new pair of jeans, a pair of parachute paints ($6.00!), and either 3 or 4 long-sleeve T-shirt ($5.00 each). They all fit. Yay.

    Ugh. I need to find something to post for tomorrow on my blog/fb. I repeat, ugh.

    Okay. I need to eat. I need more coffee. And I need to know...WORK ON THE DANM BOOK! 🤣

    Later, tater.
