Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Reminiscing About Awesome Food

Hubs and I were talking about donuts and I got to reminiscing about the best donuts I ever had.  They came from a place called Superior Donuts on Fenton Road in Flint, MI.  They made the best peanut butter frosted Persians known to man, where the frosting was about a half inch thick and so yummy it could make you swear off any other kind of frosting for the rest of your life.  I've been trying to replicate that frosting for more than 20 years.  And the on top of the frosting on those donuts was a drizzle of chocolate.  Oh.My.God.

Which lead me to thinking about some of the other 'best foods I've ever eaten' in a kind of wistful way.

For instance, Spring Break 1992... some friends and I took a roadtrip to New Orleans and along the way we stopped at a place called Mike Shannon's Steak and Seafood in St. Louis.  I don't remember much about the dinner, but the dessert was to die for.  Caramel apple upside down pie.  The apples were cut in perfect rectangles and layered with caramel and gooey goodness, then baked in the flakiest, most appetizing pie crust I've ever had.  

In Marquette, Michigan there was a restaurant called Entre Amigos.  They made something called an Awesome Wet Burrito.  The damn thing was so huge I could never eat it in one sitting, so I always had leftovers and the leftovers were as amazing as the fresh burrito.  Filled with meat and covered with cheese and sauce.  :drools a little:

Also in Marquette was a sub shop called Togo's.  Not 'to go', but TOGO like pogo... as in pogo stick.  They made a steak and cheese sub I can still taste in my memories today, where the steak is sliced thin enough so you could bite through it without pulling the whole damn slice out and it was cooked to perfection.  The seasonings were just yum.  They'd slap the steak on the flattop and you could listen to it sizzle while you waited. Then they'd layer American cheese on it so it got all melty, then they'd slide the whole pile onto a freshly baked roll.  You know the kind... soft and tasty in the middle but crunchy crusted on the outside. I'd get mine with mushrooms - which were sautéed in a butter and liberally sprinkled with garlic.  Then I'd put ketchup on the whole damn thing, because I am a heathen and I liked it best that way.

At the mouth of the Appalachicola River where it meets the Gulf of Mexico (in Appalachicola, FL), there was a restaurant... I forget its name... where you could get the most amazing seafood.  I never had better scallops than there and I am a scallop addict.  They also made Amber Jack that came out like a dream.  A-mazing.

Not too long ago, Hubs and I had a layover in Atlanta that was long enough to get dinner.  We lucked out.  There's a steak joint in there that served some of the best steak I'd had in YEARS.  We still talk about that and we both wish we could find a restaurant around here that would live up to that expectation.  Alas, we haven't reached it yet.  (And we aren't likely to, since most of the restaurants around here can't stay out of the monthly health department report.  Blech.)

These are the flavors I will spend my life trying to achieve again.  I doubt I ever will, but it's good to have a goal. LOL

What are some foods and places to eat that you can't forget?

1 comment:

  1. Mike Shannon was a former Cardinal player and a long-time radio announcer for the team before he finally retired in 2022(?) and sadly died in 2023. I think I knew he had a restaurant but not sure. Johnny Bench's Home Plate was in Cincinatti for years. Just some trivia.

    There was a place called Phipps BBQ in an old gas station in my hometown of Duncan. I don't remember what they called it but their signature "dish" was a small shoulder roast that had been smoked for like 48 hours. It was the size of four of my fists, was tender enough to cut with a fork and the sauce perfect. My dad and I ate there at least once a week when I worked for him at the propane company.

    We've lost two favorite Mexican restaurants to sale and closure. Los Amigos had Burrito Supreme that was beans, shredded beef, onions, cheese, and covered in your choice of chili, red sauce, or sour cream sauce. I did the sour cream. The other, Alvarados, had the best queso sauce (white cheese) and it didn't matter what you ordered, it was always perfect.

    And speaking of New Orleans, no trip is complete without at stop at Cafe DuMonde for cafe au lait and beneigts. Mmm-mmm good!

    Now I'm hungry too!
