Friday, September 13, 2024

Short Attention Span Theatre

I have a dreadfully short attention span these days.  Well, for anything but writing.  Even then, I can only manage about an hour to an hour and a half before I run out of steam.  I could blame the cats.  They're very distracting.  Except when they're sleeping.  But it's really not the cats.  This is on me.  Oh, I can focus when I need to.  I do have that ability.  If there's a task I need to address, I can give it my whole attention.  When the task is complete, though, all bets are off.  :shrug:

Why do I mention distraction?  Because I can't seem to put together one whole cogent post on a single topic.  Hence the randomosity, this n that posts.  It's probably why I can't sleep either.  My brain is bouncing from one thing to the next and not leaving any time to focus on sleeping.  Boing boing boing... splat.  

Like I said, I am managing to focus on the writing for like an hour at a time.  I could probably do more, but that's about when my wrists and fingers cry uncle anyway.  I say 'okee, fine' and wander off.  

I managed to stay focused on the window cleaning thing for 4 hours.  That was more a matter of 'I want to get this done' than actual focus.  It's also not really brain activity either.  

People might suggest that I have ADHD.  I wouldn't be surprised at that diagnosis.  I just refuse the label.  I'm not really big on labels.  They're itchy and uncomfortable.  I gotta me and I gotta be free.  :breaks into song:

I really do need to find some focus today, though.  I have a list of tasks that I really should've completed already and more new tasks are dropping onto the list every day, while few are dropping off.  So, I'm going to commit to getting the following done today... or at least before Monday:

- Re-uploading the rest of my paperbacks, and fixing the cover files so that the book doesn't look like crap if anyone should ever actually want to buy one.  

Crap, I lost my train of thought, so I can't remember what else I need to get done.  Let's leave it at that for now.  I really really need to finish that project.  I started it in June for petesakes. Get 'er done.  

Oh, and before I forget... NATURAL CAUSES will be free starting tomorrow.  If I remember to market the damn thing, I'll be ahead of the game.

:wanders off:

1 comment:

  1. Before I get distracted, people who like suspense NEED to grab NATURAL CAUSES. Such a good book!

    ADD/ADHD. True story. Only was a 2nd grader. Her teacher called us in for a conference. She suspect the child had ADD (ho hyperactivity involved) and the school councilor (a friend from church) gave us a list of psychologists. We picked one and got a form to fill out dealing with symptoms. LG filled out one. I filled out one. BOTH of us were going "I do that. I do that. That's me....Oh, yeah. This is about Only." So yeah, the whole family has ADD but both LG and I were before it was a thing and we learned how to cope and compensate, which is what we did with Only because...drugs. Nope! Interesting that she is now a SPED teacher and refers to her students and herself as "neurospicy" (as opposed to neurodivergent). It also gives her some real insight in how to reach her students. Also, Stormy was diagnosed with ADHD, though the hyperactivity is mild compared to some. Labels are what we make of them. Me? I'm a creative daydreamer. LG is situationally focused. 🤷🏼‍♀️

    FYI, I like your randomosity. Also like the books you write. And you. I like you. I'm putting off going to Walmart. I have to buy some clothes. I have one pair of jeans that fits. I'm tired of everything hanging off me. I also didn't go to a funeral because I literally had nothing but that pair of jeans to wear. I've been putting it off. Maybe I'll go early tomorrow morning. Or Monday. Maybe. Ugh. I really am a hermit now.

    Scritch the kitties and have a productive weekend, no matter what you scratch off your to-do list! 🤗
