Thursday, September 12, 2024

Thursday This n That

Why is it that when I do anything super-active, the aftereffects don't fully hit me until the day after the day after?  I felt pretty darn good yesterday after Monday's window washing marathon.  Today?  No so much.  Blerg

Monday's window washing marathon... It all started at 8:30 with the thought that since it was cold I could finally tackle that wasp's nest in the window space with the broken screen.  I was just going to pop out the screen and the storm window and knock that thing out.  I had planned on worrying about the cleaning part later.  Then I didn't.  I went after that window and the next and the... well, you get the point.  5 good-sized windows, 4 with screens and storms.  5 window wells that were full of crap  - leaves and dust and dead bugs, etc.  All of it needing a good cleaning.  Then Hubs caught the same bug I had and he did the parts that can only be reached from outside with a ladder.  (These windows are easily 10-15 feet off the ground.)  We finished about 12:30.  That was just the sunroom.  I still have the rest of the house to do.  Not that day.  Not yesterday either and today ain't lookin' too good.  

I derailed on writing this book.  I think I'm thinking too much.  I need to just sit and write, and when I come to something that takes a lot of thought and/or research, I need to skip it and move on.  Maybe tonight that'll happen.  We'll see.

On the bright side, I'm making headway on the first round edits of the other book.  Yay.

As the election approaches, my mood is taking a shit.  Yesterday, I reminded myself that there is nothing I can do about any of it.  I'll vote, for whatever good that'll do, and what happens after that is out of my power.  I need to focus on the things I can do here in my own life and not let all of THAT get to me.

Well, I think that's about all I've got this morning.  Have a great day.

1 comment:

  1. Murphy's Law of Activity. Just sayin'...

    Should I admit that I don't think any of our windows have been washed long have we lived here?

    Writing happens that way sometimes. Yay for edits.

    The Academy Award for best supportive media goes to ABC moderators. And our final Oscar for Best Performance by a Pampered Politician for her snarky faces and fake laugh go to.... Yeah, whatever.

    I keep writing. I'm nudging closer to 150K and I'm starting chapter 47 today. I also figured out the direction a twist present earlier needs to go. Now to rework and write those scenes. I truly was thinking The End by tomorrow. Maybe by the end of the weekend now, but close....oh so very close...

    That's pretty much where m brain is. The d@mn book! Happy Thursday.
