Thursday, September 5, 2024

Thursday This n That

I'm having a tough time remembering what day it is anymore.  Yay... I guess.  I mean, it sorta means I'm forgetting the day job, which is good, right?  Unfortunately, I did dream about the job yesterday, so I'm not entirely out of it yet.

The other day we heard this strange thumping noise outside and went to see what it was.  A doe was kicking the crap out of one of the water pans.  She looked pissed, but I think she was just having a gay old time.  Silly deer.

Out for a walk, I stumbled across a new-to-me snake.  It was an eastern hognose snake.  It flattened itself out and rose up like a cobra, but it's totally harmless.  Ooo, big mean snake... I'd better stay away. LOL  I left it alone and went on my merry way.  

My sale is going bust.  I haven't really been marketing it much, though, so partly my fault.  But when I go through the trouble of marketing on the first day and I get no hits whatsoever, it's kinda hard to keep going.  I need some kind of positive reinforcement.  One sale?  Maybe?  Throw me a bone. LOL  I'll do something different next week.  Maybe make Natural Causes free and see if it encourages anyone to buy Accidental Death.  We'll see.

Okay, so I was watching a true-crime show on Monday that gave me an idea for my next Duke Noble, so I've been hitting that hard.   It's at 3323 words as of last night.  It's turning into a SepNoWriMo.  I'm going to write every day this month, too.  Yay.  I've also sent Duke #2 to my Kindle and I'm working on editing that during the day.  Not a lot of progress to report there yet, but yay.  I'm back baby.  

Lumpy's new fawn - Speedy - is a buck.  He's got little nubs that are just starting to show.  Aww.  He's also the biggest fawn we have out there right now.  He's gonna be amazing.  Her last buck fawn - Sonny - is a big ol' buck now and he's only 3.  I hope he survives hunting season.

Yesterday, Hubs and I went to town and left the Boyz running free in the house.  We got home to find our coatrack knocked over.  Naughty kitties.  They were both hiding under the bed - whether because the metal coatrack scared them or because they heard us and thought they were going to get a scolding, I don't know.  The coatrack is now in the spare room where they can't mess with it.  Thankfully, no kitties were injured.  That thing is heavy and could've easily broken a kitty when it fell over.

Okay, I think I've about random-ed myself out.  Have a great day out there, folks, and feel free to leave a comment, if the mood strikes ya.  

1 comment:

  1. If I get motivated and get several blogs set up in advance, I forget what day it is too. Glad the day job is starting to fade but boo on the dreams.

    Maybe toss a soccer ball out in the yard to see if the deer will play with it instead of the pan. Yay for fawns growing up. Yay Nature!

    Poor kittles. I am soooo not laughing at them cowering under the bed, whispering in secret cat language that "Mom and Dad will never find us under here." 🤣 Thank goodness they weren't hurt but yeah...still 🤣.

    Write what's inspiring you. And yay for new words and some editing. This monster I'm working on just keeps expanding and I'm worried now that it's totally boring. I think I found a shortcut to The End last night as I was drifting off and remember it today so once I get Real Life out of the way, I'll get to work and see how much I can accomplish toward that goal. I'm on Chapter 44 with 137K+ words. 🤦🏼‍♀️

    Not much else going on around here either. Just work and the occasional veg-break to play a round of bubble shooter on the computer. Totally mindless. LOL
