It's Sunday? Well, yeah, I guess it is. I have no clue what happened this past week, but I'll try to rebuild it somehow.
No writing, but I did editing work every day, and thus, my 4th draft is complete as of last night. I'm thinking it needs one more re-through and notes before I send it off to my readers. I could just be being nitpicky though. This is the first book I've brought to publishing in 3 years, so I have reason to be cautious, but there's a fine line between cautious and anal.
I didn't do any marketing this week for reasons and because of because. I have WISH IN ONE HAND going on the freebie starting tonight at midnight, though.
I started reading a book last night after I got done with editing. YAY!
In baking news for the week, I did a pizza last Sunday, and another carrot cake. I also made a vat of BBQ ribs in the crockpot. Yum.
I also got kinda active. I started turning over my garden beds in prep for planting. Three days I did that, for a total of 2.75 hours. It doesn't sound like much, but it's about all I can do until my stamina improves. I'm old, I'm tired, and I'm flabby. I'm also counting the day I shredded carrots for the cake. That's a workout, lemme tell ya. Unfortunately, my weight went up a freakin' pound. Weight: 173.2 Now that the weather is changing for the warmer, I hope to turn that around and head it back to a reasonable tonnage.
Speaking of gardening, I bought a bag of gladiola bulbs, so I'm turning over the south garden bed in prep for those. Right now, that bed is mostly weeds, but there are some not-weeds in there. Lilies, for one. I've already found 4 lily bulbs, so yay. And irises, of course. Scads of those. Also years ago, I put anemones in there. I thought those were all dead by now, but I found like 3-4 still alive. They look pathetic, but I'll try to resurrect them. Anyway, I'm about half done with the turnover. I did the middle part that had nothing in it first and now I'm working on the end that had lilies and irises. Then I'll work on the other end with it's irises and anemones. THEN I can put it all back together again. I'm tired just thinking about it.
In other garden news, I uncovered my daffodils and my hyacinths. I can't wait for them to bloom. :fingers crossed: I love spring so much.
Other than that, not much going on. What's up in your world?