Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Marketing Tuesday?

Okay, so this morning's marketing went off without a hitch.  Yay.  The book actually is free right now and should be free through Saturday, barring Amazon glitches and what-have-you.

Starting today... as in not yesterday... and running through Saturday, WISH IN ONE HAND is totally free. (It's always free with your Kindle Unlimited subscription. This is so everyone else can play, too.) Don't wait to get the snarky genie goodness that started the series!

I hope it gets a lot of attention, but we'll see.  And no, I did not use my time yesterday to create marketing graphics - which is why you just see the cover here.  I'm not promising anything creative today either, as I am this close > < to being ready to send Duke Noble #2 off to readers and I really want to focus on that. 

I'm just over here trying to juggle selling books and writing books.  Fingers crossed I don't drop anything.  :cue circus music:

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