Thursday, January 30, 2025

Thursday This n That

 I only just now remembered it was Thursday.  Derp.

The world is certainly an interesting place.  Like I said before, I have hope.  I'm also disgusted by some of the things I'm seeing and hearing in the news - both here and abroad.  Don't get me started.

It's raining today.  Which is good, I guess.  It has been a while.

The wren in the garage may be out now.  We opened the windows and the door to the deck for a few hours, and we haven't heard it since.  We'll keep checking, though.  

Yesterday, I stepped out onto the smoking porch just in time to see a big, black and white beast come trotting up out of our woods.  My first thought was COW.  Nope, too skinny to be a cow.  As it got closer, identification became clear.  GREAT DANE.  I believe that black and white coloring is called Harlequin.  Anyway, it was wearing a collar and dragging a leash.  Shortly after, we saw someone walking who appeared to be looking for something and then staring into the woods in the direction we last saw the Dane.  I hope they were reunited.  I don't want to have to worry about a stray moose-dog.

I'm thinking about making cinnamon rolls.  They're a huge PITA, but I do love them so.

I think I've said this before, but I cheat at crossword puzzles.  I mean, I try to do them without cheating, but if I'm stumped, I have no qualms about looking at the answer key.  I look up one clue only and then try to figure out things for myself again.  Some days are better than others.

Okay, I think that's about enough out of me.  Enjoy your day wherever you are.  

1 comment:

  1. I fell down some rabbit hole or another and forgot--until now--to get back to my blog roll to catch up on the stuff I care about--like Thursday This and Thats.

    Hope the bird is gone. Danes are big ol' lap dogs.

    I have to turn off the hearings when the yelling gets too loud. Tantrums don't work for toddlers. Why would they think it would wor for elected officials?

    I've done some marketing graphics. Instead of doing what I should be doing like double-checking the book and getting the darn thing formatted. Still waiting on a cover. Grrr.

    It rained here yesterday and a bit overnight. We also had fog. Temps are warming. Yay.

    I need to figure out something for dinner because...heh. It's dinntertime.

    On that note, later tater!
