Saturday, January 11, 2025

Saturday Reading Wrap-up 1/11/24

Time for the first Reading Wrap-up of the new year.  :muppetflail:  Okay, so maybe not that exciting, but still... yay.

I didn't pick up any new books since the last time I did one of these.  I need to rectify that, but right now my Kindle is occupied with the second round of edit notes.  

Books Read:

1) Child Star by Shirley Temple Black (1/8/25) - autobiography - 5 stars.  New to me, but not underappreciated.  I picked this up at the thrift store during their 2 for 25c sale.
Review: "A very interesting book, if a bit gossipy. This follows Shirley from her earliest memories to 1955, leaving off the later parts of her life. All told in a matter-of-fact way. I really enjoyed it."

No DNFs.

Currently reading... I haven't picked up a new book yet.  Maybe today.  We'll see.

What's on your reading list for the week?

1 comment:

  1. Didn't we just do this? LOL I skimmed ahead on THE SERPENT AND THE WOLF. Big ol' nasty cliffhanger at the end. I hate those. I gave it 3 ⭐s. It was well-written and the world well built but the story was pretty much the same as all in this particular sub-genre (romantasy but the romance was on the slim side and not even close to a HRN at the end, much less a HEA). Anyway, I'm back to my WITCH WORLD listen, and I'm cheating and listing CHRISTMAS MOON because I'm actually reading it (forgetting to edit unless I see something blaring so that I have to go back and actually edit/add stuff--LOL).

    That means I've now read 3 books this year and GR says I'm 2 books behind schedule. I'll catch up at some point.

    Happy reading!
