Monday, January 13, 2025

Marketing Monday

 Yes, it's Marketing Monday again.  Yes, I have a book on freebie this week - Ugly and the Beast.  No, I don't have anything planned or set up.  I had intended to get up and get it all done this morning.  Life intervened.  Let this be a lesson to procrastinators like me - do it ahead of time, so if stuff gets in the way, you can still accomplish something.  Formal marketing begins tomorrow morning, good lord willin' and the crick don't fail.  

Oh, and I lowered the price on Sleeping Ugly.  It's 99c now and for the foreseeable future.

Yes, I could still get something done today, but since I can only market to each FB group once every 24 hours, starting late today puts me even later tomorrow, and later in the day doesn't garner nearly as many downloads as first thing.  I'd rather put off 'til tomorrow what wouldn't do me much good today.  If you catch my drift.  

Now back to life.  

1 comment:

  1. Oops. I hope whatever it was wasn't ooggly-googly intervention stuffs. I get you on the timing of marketing. Due to doc deal, I pretty much planned to veg today. I'll do something tomorrow.

    Hang in there!
