Thursday, January 2, 2025

Thursday This n That

Welcome to 2025, day two.  It's early, but the coffee is hot and it is strong.

I cancelled the Brightspeed internet.  Yay and squee.  Man, that was almost as bad as dial-up and that was on a good day.  No wonder its initials are BS.  Then again, so are mine. :gigglesnort:

I started playing poker again.  My old account is still valid and so's all the money I still had in there.  It's like 96 million.  None of it real, of course.  If I had 96 million for realsies, I would probably be doing something else right now.  Like sleeping on a pile of dollar bills or something.  Hey, it could happen.  Not to me, but it could happen.

Oh, before I forget, FERTILE GROUND starts its freebie thing today.  I probably should do something about marketing for that.  After the coffee kicks in.

ETA: Here's the marketing post for FG

FREE now through Tuesday, 1/6 - FERTILE GROUND. Get your copy today! (Always free with Kindle Unlimited.)

Sawyer's doing this thing where he comes in at 3am and is obnoxious.  Which is why I'm up at the buttcrack of early.  Scratch that.  He was being obnoxious at 2:30 and I shut him in the office.  Then Finn was obnoxious at 3 and after about 10 minutes of trying to wrangle him into the office, I gave up and got up.  By the way, they're both sleeping now.  They're turds, but I love them.


I was doing this post and got distracted for a half hour.  Derp.  It's still early, but not quite as early, and now I need more coffee. 


Okay, I'm easily distracted, so I'll let you go.  Have a great day, wherever you are.  And if you feel the urge, drop some this n that stuff in the comments.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy New Year!

Welcome to...

May this be an amazing year for us all.  :HUGS: