It's been a fun week and it's only Wednesday. And, in case you didn't figure it out, fun in this context means 'not fun'. It started out with me waking up on Monday morning to Hubs saying that Finn was having trouble peeing. Sure enough, the poor little dude was going in the litter box, leaving a few drips, and getting back out only to return a few minutes later. I changed out his water dish and he drank a lot, and later in the day, after a good long nap, he produced a better flow, but it still wasn't right. And when he wasn't sleeping, he was walking around the house meowing. I was up until 11pm with him until he finally went to sleep.
Yesterday, he woke me up at 3. Hubs got up with him, but by 4, I gave up on sleeping. At 8am, I called the vet and they told me to bring him right in. They couldn't guarantee when they'd look at him, but I didn't care. I got dressed and dragged my sorry ass to the car with Finn safely ensconced in his carrier. He meowed all the way there. (Except for when a Pink Floyd song came on the radio. He was either enjoying it and shut up, or he hated it so much he didn't have words.)
Anyway, they got Finn right in. I made a pitstop in the restroom and by the time I came out, the vet had already examined him. He wasn't blocked, but they didn't know why he wasn't peeing, so they kept him for observation and said they'd call sometime after 2:30 to let me know I could pick him up. I left my Findaloo there and wandered home.
I did make a quick stop at Wallyworld on my way back. I picked up several gallons of purified water and a bag of 'urinary tract health' catfood.
Sawyer was confused as to why I took Finn without him and more confused about why I didn't bring Finn back with me.
Long story made slightly shorter, when the vet called at 2:30, he went through a whole series of questions about Finn's homelife. Apparently, he couldn't find a cause for Finn's issues. Had anything changed here that would make Finn stressed? No. Was Sawyer bullying him or preventing him from using the litter box they share? No and no. How often do we change the water? At least twice a day. Anyway, I answered all his questions and there's still no clear reason why Finn's got an irritated bladder. They took a culture and they're sending it to the lab. I should know in a couple days what the results are. They gave him two shots - antibiotics and something to calm his bladder - and sent him home.
On the way home, I picked up KFC, so I wouldn't have to fix dinner. It was okay, but not awesome like I hoped. Meh.
Anyway, Finn's still not peeing like a champion and we still have to watch he doesn't get blocked. Fingers crossed he gets better soon. I feel bad for the poor little bugger. Plus, I really need sleep.
On a weird note, Sawyer is completely freaked out by Finn right now. Finn came home smelling like someone else's perfume - a vet tech's, I assume. Sawyer keeps looking at him like 'you look right, but you smell all wrong... who ARE you?' Poor little dudes.