Sunday, August 2, 2015

Sunday Update - Week 31

Hey All.

I didn't win the lottery this week.  Bummer. 

In an effort to get Dying Embers to meet the 'not for sale anywhere else' standard of KDP Select, I discovered a shitload of sites where it's been pirated.  More on that tomorrow at Outside the Box.  Not sure if that means I can't put it back into KDP Select.  We'll see.

I got the edits for Wish in One Hand back on Friday.  I'm excited to have them, but I'm dragging my feet on implementing them.  Which means there'll be a flurry of activity today because I am committed to launching this book on the 18th. Umm, yah, like two weeks from Tuesday.  Lots to be done. 

My newsletter went out on Friday.  So far only one person has requested a PDF copy, so if you wanted one, it's not too late.  Just follow the instructions in the newsletter.  =o)

I finally got a picture of one of our resident roadrunners:

That's him (her?) in the front yard.  Without perspective, you'll have to take my word about how big they are.  A little taller than a standard chicken but not nearly as wide and way faster.  (Which is why it took me two years to get a pic.)

Also, we finally saw a fawn!  Just yesterday morning, we were lamenting to one of our neighbors that we hadn't seen any fawns, and he was saying how he's seen several already this year.  Late yesterday afternoon, I was watching a doe from inside the sun porch when I noticed what appeared to be a tail flicking from behind the cedar.  I changed vantage points and sure enough, FAWN!  Let's just say we were inordinately happy.

And bats!  For some reason, the local bats have been wild about the corner of our house nearest my bathroom, so several mornings now I've stumbled into the bathroom to see bats swooping past my window.  This morning, I could hear them on the log siding.  I can't see a hole where they're getting into the house - which is good.  I can only assume at this point that they are driving swarms of bugs into that corner and having a buffet.

I got the bookmarks and the postcards for Wish in One Hand!  Both weren't supposed to be delivered until this coming week, so I'm totally happy.  Keep an eye on Facebook for ways to get your hands on those suckers.  So pretty.

Today, I have to edit.  I also need to put up a Goodreads listing for Wish in One Hand, get the ball rolling on Createspace, etc.  I'll be busy busy for the next couple weeks, but it'll be worth it to finally get this book into readers' hands. 

Quick note:  I live in a vacation destination, which means it's pretty quiet here from September to May, but between Memorial day and Labor day, the population swells.  (Not huge by any stretch of the imagination, but enough.)  As such, the load increases on our local DSL and slows my internet speed way down.  This means my prime internet usage is first thing in the morning or later in the evening.  If you need anything from me, I will get it done - just not during the mid-day hours.  Sorry if this causes any inconvenience.  Luckily, there aren't too many people in the world who require anything of me.  ;o)

What's going on in your world lately?


  1. I didn't request the .pdf. I'll buy it when it goes live! :D

    TWO WEEKS?!?!?!?!!? I have a deadline the 17th. *FLAIL* At least I'm down to about 6K words. I have to get in gear but there's so much sh-stuff to get down that has nothing to do with writing. *headdesk*

    I will be back to regular blogging tomorrow, though I might not be back to my regular blog topic schedule.

    Today, I need to get 2-3K words down, get some website "medallions" done, update the OKRWA website with NRCA winners, post said winners to the RWA events loop, and do some other administrative type stuff. Sadly, I just want to go back to bed and read. Or sleep. Sleep would be good. Haven't been doing enough of that lately.

    Have a great week!

  2. Hmm. I signed up for your newsletter, but I didn't get an email.

    Hugs on getting pirated. I just hope that brings you new - and paying - readers.

    Yay for the roadrunner photo! I used to see them occasionally, but not in the last few years. I suppose too many people have moved into the area.

    The arm is doing better, but it still hurts to type. I've been doing a lot of editing, and making covers. I'm having waaaay too much fun making covers. :-)

  3. We have several road runners by our house. They don't even bother running away when I go by.

    re: bats
    I wish we had bats. I'm sure there are some, but I've never seen them active.
