Sunday, December 29, 2024

Sunday Update - Week Last One of 2024

Okay, so it was the last full week of 2024 and things happened...

First off, per Friday's post, I did the whole Start Today thing.  To that end, I edited every day for the past three days and got 13 more pages edited.  Considering I went 22 days since the last time I edited, it's a win.  I still have about 50 pages to get through.  The manuscript is now at 55461 words - up about 8000 since I finished the first draft.

No new words or marketing this week.  I'll do more marketing after the first of the year.  And I'll definitely do some more writing.  Yay.

I'm also pretty much set on the number of books finished in 2024.  I finished at 36, which isn't bad considering.  Next year, I'll set a goal of reading 5 books per month.  Easy and totally not overwhelming.  If I need to up the goal later in the year, I will.  

Last week, I baked a pumpkin cheesecake, cinnamon rolls, and a loaded lasagna.  The only thing left is cinnamon rolls.  We decimated the rest.

Activity is another area where I'm hitting the Start Today thing.  I walked Friday and Saturday with Hubs.  We did about 1.8 miles.  It's a start.  Do something active every day... starting today.  I haven't weighed myself since 12/21 but then I was at 174.0.  Not great, but I'm not whipping myself over it either.  

Oh yeah, Christmas was this past week...  Well, we didn't really do anything out of the ordinary except eat lasagna, pumpkin cheesecake, and cinnamon rolls.  We don't get each other gifts, per se.  This year's gift was Starlink for both of us.  It's totally worth it.  The tree still looks pretty as seen on my Christmas post.  We have loads of cards underneath it.  I'll take it down after 1/1/25.  

I think that's probably about it.  I'll do some kind of wrap-up posts for the year or something in the coming days.  Until then, enjoy the last few days of 2024 and get ready for a bright and shiny 2025.

How was your last week of '24?

I almost forgot.  We weighed the cats for their 2-year birthdays.  Sawyer was at 17 pounds 6 ounces.  Finn was at 13 pounds 1 ounce.  Neither of them are fat cats.  I mean, Sawyer's a moose, but he's not chubby.  Finn's thin by comparison but he's also tall.  Who would've thunk that they'd be this huge when they were just little bitty kitties?  

1 comment:

  1. Yay for book progress. Yay for reading. I've upped my goal. Yay for good food. Yay for exercise and Christmas. Total yay on Starlink! Two years???!!! *muppet flail* How has it been TWO years since you brought the Boyz home? is a blur!

    As you said, last week was Christmas. It was a laid back, easy day. Presents were shared along with good food and company. I hope to take down the few decorations in the next day or two.

    We watched "Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice" Christmas night. It was funny. I'm hoping for take out and "Red One" tonight.

    I did very little toward the WIP but I did manage to post something marketing-wise every day on X. The Smashwords EoY sale, don'cha know. Also, there's a new "writing community" on X you might be interested in--The Golden Age of Writing. Check out Sherry Morris, @RomComMystery. She's the founder. Sherry and I go way back on Twitter. I joined this morning.

    Not much else going on in my life. I'm just treading water until the New Year arrives and I get my @$$ in gear.

    Cheers to getting started on stuff this week! Later, tater.
