Sunday, September 29, 2013

Temporal Constipation

I'm stalled.  Nothing seems to be moving forward.  Nothing is sliding back.  There's not even any lateral motion.  I'm just standing here (sitting here, slumping here...)  I can't tell if I'm waiting for something to come along and happen to me.  Or if I'm supposed to try to make things happen and just don't have the inertia right now.

I can see things happening around me.  Certain members of my friends and family are going through things right now.  I'm stalled by that, too.  I want to help, but I can't.  So I stand here.

I know in my heart this is just a pause-point in life.  Later maybe.  Perhaps tomorrow.  Could be next week, I'll move again.  For right now, though, here I am.

Feels like temporal constipation.


  1. Hugs! It sounds a bit like depression. Can you work in your garden a little? Or just sit and enjoy it?

    1. I don't feel depressed, Debs, but thanks for the hugs. No working in the garden yet - I'm waiting for the plants to arrive in the next couple days. LOL, sometimes it feels like I'm waiting for everything. Maybe that's it. I'm stalled because I'm waiting.

  2. It's National Coffee Day....that helps get things moving in multiple ways ;-)

    1. How could I have missed that it was National Coffee Day?? It's like my sacred day.

      And LOL, JB. You kill me.

  3. Read a book! That always seems to help me.

    And National Coffee Day? I've never heard of it. I should be celebrating properly! Instead, I'm drinking Diet Coke. Arghhh!!! Why? Because I'm at Buffalo Wild Wings waiting to watch the Steelers play since it's not on the local channel. I'll be drinking a lot of soda today, I think. Love those free refills!

    1. I've been reading all weekend, Stacy. And I'd say shame on you for drinking Diet Coke on National Coffee Day, but I was drinking Dew all day. Stupid Steelers shoulda won that game. Blasted Vikings.
