Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Review of My Work

It's been a while since I did this, and over the years I've done so much I can't keep track of everything I've written. So...

Below is a list of my accomplishments to date (those works in bold are complete):

A Hero of Novel Proportions - women's lit - short story - originally written in 2001 - rewritten in 2004

Spectacle (renamed Fear Itself)* - suspense - novel - 2004

Be Careful What You Wish For - SF - novel - begun but never completed - 2005

Caldera (renamed The Nature of Destruction)* - suspense - novel - 2005

Mirror* - women's lit - short story - 2005

Spunky the Bunny - children's story - 2005 - rewrite of English assignment from 1985

Fire* - literary - short story - 2005

Counseling - women's lit - short story - 2006

Blink* - speculative - novel - 2006-2009

Miguel - literary - short story - 2006

Bad Fluffy Bunny - SF - short story - 2006

Haudego* - speculative - short story - 2006

Space Bunnies - SF - novel - 2006 - rewrite of Bad Fluffy Bunny into novel form - never completed

A Widow's Justice - mystery - novel - 2006 - drafted to THE END but never completely edited

Pigwell* - literary - short story - 2007 - written for a specific contest

Redemption - SF/literary - novel - 2007 - begun but never completed

Cut & Dried (book one of the JA mystery series) - novel - 2007 - begun but not completed

Nanotechnology - suspense - novel - 2007-2009 - drafted to THE END but not completely edited

RTL* - speculative - novel - 2007-2008

Manhunter (renamed Dying Embers)* - suspense - novel - 2008

EQ - speculative - novel - 2009 - begun but not completed

Fertile Ground - suspense - novel - 2009 - begun but not completed

DLN - paranormal suspense - WIP - estimated completion by 12/31/09

As you can see, I've been busy. Looking at everything I've done, in a way I'm proud and in another I'm bummed. I've written a lot, and worked my ass to a flabby mass, but I'm still unpublished. Still, I keep hammering away (or banging my head on a rock, if you will). Remember the manta is: If not this one, then the next one. And the next one. And the next one. Until I see one in print.

I guess I'll just keep working until I publish or I die of old age - whichever comes first. :shrug: At least no one can ever say I wasn't prolific.

*submitted in one way or another.


  1. Man, what an accomplishement! Or should I say accomplishmentsss. Take solace in that you are that much closer to publication than the rest of us scmucks!!!

  2. You can do it!! One day I'll be buying your book!
