That's right, it's Thursday... Derp.
It's freakin' COLD here. Last time I checked it was -5. Negative five. 37 degrees below freezing. Blerg.
The wren in our garage is fat and happy and warm. I've named him Woodstock. He's not yellow, but he is a funny little bird. We're leaving suet nuggets on top of the Jeep for him. And there's a shallow pan with water. And, of course, the space heater is keeping it above 40F in there. (So the pipes don't freeze, not for him, but he gets the benefit of it.)
The news coming out of Israel is pissing me off royally. If you support Hamas or the P'stinians, please stop coming by here. I stand with the Jews. How any person can stand alongside the people who are celebrating the murders of babies escapes me. It must be some kind of insanity.
I got my first page of edit notes for this round done and entered into the manuscript. This is the phase where I do that... make a page of notes, enter the notes, lather-rinse-repeat throughout the day. One page of notes = 3 pages of manuscript. I hope to make more progress today. Might as well, I can't go outside or anything.
Last night, we sat down to watch a new series. I had great hopes for it, but the series opener was unimpressive. It had a couple spots that made me LOL, but not enough to sustain my interest. :shrug: Hubs and I looked at each other and said 'well, we did that'. For those interested, it was Good Cop / Bad Cop. Your mileage may vary, but it's not for us. Still loving High Potential, but the season ender was last week, so we'll have to wait to see how they resolve the mystery next season.
I made awesome soup the other day. I'm calling it Chicken-Cheddar-Bacon-Potato Chowder. I had defrosted a chicken breast and it's cold, so I got the idea for soup, did some recipe scanning, and then just starting throwing things in the pot. Like I said, it was awesome. We'll be having leftovers of it tonight for dinner. Yum.
Speaking of food, now I'm hungry. Have a great day. Stay warm. Eat something yummy.
Well...crappola. I hit that magic key combination that I don't know what it is that deletes everything I've just typed and "undo" doesn't work here. 😔 *sigh*
ReplyDeleteOK. Back to what I was saying. Do you stream like 'Zon Prime? If so, you might like Bonekickers that Bev recommended on my FB page. LG has started it and likes it. Archeaologists(sp--I'm too lazy to look it up) on a quest with mystery.
Yay for the wren. He's one smart little bird. And yeah, the temps are wicked cold. What's crazy, is they're forecasting high 60s (almost 70!) on Monday. 🤯
Yay for edits. I updated some stuff on my website I'd forgotten. RETRIBUTION and GHOSTS are ready to go live in print and I've ordered a couple each of author's copies. Now all I have to do is figure out how to link to my digital copies on the 'Zon.
I need to figure out what book to work on next.
I want to win the lottery. Oh the places I'd go... Acutally, I wouldn't go but I'd put the money to very good use backing certain causes.
Okay, the squirrels, birds and crows are making me feel guilty. I need to throw some food out there for them. Later tater.