Wow. I mean, just... wow. The freebie thing for DYING EMBERS shot off like a freakin' rocket this week. When I checked the stats this morning, my orders said 777. 705 of that is DE. (71 was from last weeks freebie of PH. And I sold one FG.) I've never moved that many copies of anything at one time. Hell, I haven't moved that many copies of all of my books in an entire year since my first year. That year, I moved like 1016, which is fewer books than I've given away this year. I am shocked. This is my wow-face =oO. Anyway, thank you. Thanks to all of you who've read my books, and to all of you who've downloaded my books, and to all of you who've reviewed my books. You're all awesome and I love you. :HUGS: You're really making my anniversary special. Special thanks to Silver and Debs and Janet for sticking with me all the way. You guys rock.
Today is officially the 10th anniversary of DE going out into the world. On 2/13/15, it went live on Amazon and I got my very first sale ever. Woot.
Speaking of sales, I've officially made more money this year than all of 2023. Sure, it's $28.82 vs $28.08, but we have to take our little successes where we can find them, eh?
Man, these last few years have been a little depressing for me with regards to being a writer. I mean, I haven't broken $100 since 2021. The last year I made more than my average of $400/year was 2019. But there's always hope. And more than a little of a masochistic nature, LOL.
Okay, enough about that... I think I might've already mentioned it, but I made carrot cake. It was good but unimpressive the first day. Every day, it's gotten a wee bit yummier, though. Mmmm. Next time, I definitely need to add raisins. I do love me some raisins.
The weather here has been gross. Wet and cold and icy. Blerg. Good thing I got all my errands done over the weekend or we'd be screwed. Eh, it's all about planning ahead when you live in the back of beyond.
Ack. I need to wrap this up so I can call Mom. It's a thing. Every morning M-Th, I call her at 7am and we talk for an hour. She's 84 and, let's face it, she's not going to be here forever, so I like to get as much chatting in as I can. Plus, I really enjoy our conversations. There's no better way to start the day for me. (I also call her on Saturday, but that's at 7:45. She gets Fridays and Sundays off from me. LOL)
And with that I bid you all adieu. Have a great day wherever you are!
Yay on all the copies! Here's hoping people read them, enjoy the books as they should, and then grab more where you actually get paid! I totally get where you're coming from. I've settled in my head that I need to write therefore I will and if people read my books, awesome. If not, their loss. 🤷🏼♀️
ReplyDeleteI also know from experience that the more you publish in quick succession, the better the success. That said. I'm old. I'm slow. And sh!t happens. As a result, I'll just muddle along and as mention, I'm okay with that.
Congratulations on your anniversary! Yum on the carrot cake, and mom phone time.
This has been a blah week. The "new" book will now come out in time for my birthday. That's only 2 weeks away so not a huge delay.
Tomorrow is a memorial service for a member of the extended family--my SiL's neice. She had Downs and developed a respiratory infection. They delayed the service for almost a month so they could have it on Valentine's Day.... 👀 Different strokes.
Anyway, if I can get halfway through the final pass today, I should be able to finish off tomorrow after the service and then get the D2D verstion uploaded with time for a preorder. Then I'll reconfigure for the Amazon. That's pretty easy--just a "reset" of the end matter to change links.
Okay. I'm hungry. Time for lunch. LOL Again, congrats on moving so many copies! I love your books and I truly wish more people would discover how good of a writer/storyteller you are! Also, ditto to you for sticking around all these years for me. 🤗
Woo-hoooo! Congratulations! I hope they lead to lots of sales!