Monday, February 10, 2025

Marketing Monday - 10th Anniversary!

 Hey all.  This week I'll see the 10th Anniversary of being a published author.  On 2/13/15, DYING EMBERS was pushed into the world.  So...

To celebrate my tenth anniversary as a published author, this week DYING EMBERS is absolutely free. (Always free on Kindle Unlimited.) It's been a helluva journey. Thanks for sharing it with me.

And it has been one hell of a journey.  Who knew when I started this writing thing back in January of 2004 - that's right, I've been at this for 21 years now - that I'd be a self-published author with sales and reviews and junk?  I certainly didn't.  Of course, when I started writing back in 2004, I thought that I'd be represented by an agent and have loads of traditional book sales by now.  

We all know how that turned out, eh?

Anyway, I'll talk more about that in the week to come.  Until then, pick up a copy of Dying Embers and enjoy my gift to you.  And if you enjoy it, pay it backward by leaving a review.  ;o)

1 comment:

  1. Seems like just yesterday, doesn't it? My how time flies. Hope you get lots of page reads because I stand by my review! It IS "The Mentalist" and "Criminal Minds" on a road trip! 🤣🤣 That's a good thing.
