Thursday, July 28, 2022

Thursday This n That

Hubs found an auto mechanic that makes house calls.  

Paper towels are becoming scarce again.  

Speaking of paper towels, we have this dispenser at work that pulls sheets through a little hole in the bottom.  I swear you need a degree in physics to load the damn thing.  First, you need to rip the tube out of the center.  Then you need to pull the center towels such that they come out in a line so you can feed them through the little hole, but they don't want to come out in a line, they want to come out in a clump.  Ah, the little annoyances.  

Yesterday was a day of little annoyances.  And that's all I have to say about that.

FB is doing this thing where they're filling up my feed with 'suggested pages' instead of showing me the pages I actually chose to see.  Smart.  Not.

The other day, I saw this post about a police officer who rescued a puppy from some homeless people.  It was thin and had a horrible skin condition that looked like mange.  Poor ugly, little, bald puppy.  He took the puppy home and made it his family's puppy.  It wasn't mange.  It just had a bad flea allergy.  In no time, the puppy's skin is clearing up, the hair is growing again, and it's the happiest puppy ever.  It has its own FB page, so I'm following its progress.  Such a heartwarming thing to see.  They've named it Sir Charlemagne Buckington the Third.  Too fun.

I see a lot of things online about how horrible people are to drop their dogs off at a shelter and how if you get a dog, it's your dog for life.  But sometimes, giving a dog up is the best thing you can do for it.  When I left Michigan, I took both of my dogs to the Humane Society.  I was moving to Florida.  Aside from the fact that I would've had to drive 1000 miles with two big dogs (and my kid) in a little car, and the fact that I would never have been able to find an apartment that allowed two big dogs, I figured the heat would kill those dogs.  They were cold-loving dogs.  One was a malamute mix for petesakes.  Anyway, I did what I thought was right for all parties concerned.  It broke my heart, but I did it.

And now, I don't have any pets.  Not because I don't want a pet or seven, but because it wouldn't be fair to a pet to bring them into my life at this juncture.  Sure, there are tons of pets needing a loving home.  But pets need more than love.  They need loads of attention.  And they require a ton of money - food, toys, vet bills, etc.  If all I have is love to give them, but not the essentials, then maybe it isn't the time to have one.  Even if I know there are tons of them in shelters across the country.  Jus' sayin'.

Although, I keep thinking that a cat would be nice.  Hubs would have someone to keep him company while I'm at work.  I mean, he has the herd of deer, but he can't pet them and they definitely cannot come in the house.  LOL

One last thing... We have frogs hanging out in the front garden.  Frogs.  Leopard frogs.  In this heat and drought.  I was amazed.  You go near the front bed and they're hopping all over the place trying to escape.  So, I put a little flat pan of water out there on the ground for them.  And I filled the bird bath.  I put a rock in the center for perching and because I read that butterflies also enjoy a birdbath, as long as they have something to land on.  

That's me, kind to critters of all varieties.

What's on your mind today?


  1. That reminds me. I need to refill the humingbird feeder today. I don't know if the heat is evaporating it or if the hummingbirds are that thirsty because no flowers are blooming due to the heat. I can no longer see the feeder from my desk so I don't know.

    I really need to get my office cleared and rearranged--partly so I CAN see the feeder. And the street/intersection. Yeah, we have the security cameras now but I'm nosy.

    You should talk it over with Hubs. And yeah, sometimes, it's best for the furbaby to be surrendered.

    Speaking of dogs, there was a GSD/hound mix hanging around. He had a thick leather collar on and didn't want to get close to me but he was eating all the feral cat food. My sweet neighbor across the street north (not the the sweet old neighbor east who also feeds the ferals) made friends. But they moved this week. Long story having to do with exes and dream house and stuff. Anyway, I went over to be nosy and say goodbye. "Clifford" was hanging with them. Yes, they'd named him. Even though they spend the previos night in their new place, when they came back to get their last load yesterday, Clifford was on the front porch. The shelters here are full and even though they already have two dogs and a cat, they took Clifford with them. I figured they would. LOL She'd posted him on the neighborhood app and they'd scanned for a microchip but nada. Now, if I could get Carpet Man and his son to keep Zeus on the Loose and Black Dog in their yard. Yeppers, they got out last night and wiped out the cat food.

    We might get rain. Or not. It might cool off. Or not. It's alreayd 83 and barely after 7 a.m. Ugh.

    Pete remains a garage cat. He's just not sure about coming inside with all the other critters. Loki still can't figure out what he is.

    Not much else going on in my world. We looked into getting a Keurig. The way we go through coffee? It's cheaper if we buy in bulk, though I suppose we could buy one of those do-it-yourself "cup" thingies that you fill with your own coffee that then fits in the Keurig. Our Bunn is fast, there's no burner for the pot to sit on--stainless steel insulated pot--so the coffee stays hot and doesn't get bitter.

    I hated refilling "commercial" papertowel and TP dispensers. Talk about a PITA, and I don't mean the Greek flat bread. 🤣 I also hate the cannoli that FB is pulling. They want me to pay to boost posts on my page but they won't tell me what my actual reach is without that boost. They used to. Bastidos!

    Okay. Time for more coffee and then maybe some work. We'll see. Later, tater!

  2. Edit: FB had arbitrarily switched back to my "personal" persona. I can no longer "manage" my author page as me. I have to BE my author page to see stuff and make changes. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Why do they frickin' insist on changing things that bloody well aren't broken!!!!

  3. What a cute name for a puppy! Poor little thing. I'm glad it has a good home. I've heard that acute flea infestation looks like mange.

    Maybe you should take Mr. Hubs to the shelter and let him pick out a new roomie, since he'll be spending more time with it. But I agree, a pet can be expensive. Cleo has lots of new toys, but she's bored, and her hobby is eating. And her tummy is mostly naked. I hope it's just the heat, but if it doesn't clear up some soon, I need to take her to the vet.

    My brother is spending more time at the vet. Well, at the VA. Mom finally talked them into doing x-rays, and it looks like he has two collapsing disks. Yikes! He feels well enough to go bowling, though.
