Saturday, January 7, 2012

HoHoNoWriMo Final Update

Well, it took me 5 days longer than a month, but I did get those 50K words out.  Here's how the whole thing broke down for me...

Week 1: 10930
Week 2: 9105
Week 3: 11660
Week 4: 8629
Week 5: 10726

Which put me at 51050 on January 5th.  (That last week was longer than 7 days, but it works for me.) 

During the month of December, I took 5 days off - which is why I ended 12/31/11 with 47440 words.  Two of those days fell apart because I went to Ft. Collins to pick the kid up for break and I'm always toast the day after that.  Two other off days were Christmas and Christmas Eve - because, hey, writers get holidays, too.  The other day was just a burp.  I don't remember why I took it, but I did.  So there.  =op

On average, I reached 1418 words per day.  My biggest word count was 3483 on the 11th.  My lowest count for a day where I actually wrote was 545 on the 2nd.

A couple things I discovered along the way:

1) Writing a sequel is equal parts easy-peasy and tearing my hair out.  Sure, some of the words I wrote were already pre-formed by the book that went before.  But in addition to having to hold the threads of this book, I had to remember the threads from the previous.  (And all the character traits, btw.  Like Basil is BLOND.)

2) I don't need someone else's preconceived month to set my ass down and write 50K, but it helps to have someone writing alongside.  My sincerest thanks to my friend, JB, and her constant emails of encouragement and commiseration.  I probably could've done this without her, but I wouldn't have liked it nearly as much as I did.

3) I really missed writing new words.  

Now, even though I did what the organizers of NaNoWriMo consider a book worth of words, I still have about 20K left to write before I consider it a whole novel.  I also have to work on editing the book that started it all - Djinnocide.  This month will be a mishmash of writing and editing as I attempt to tear myself along the dotted line between creative genius and anal editor. 

Any questions?

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