Saturday, May 14, 2011

Totally Stupid Things

Still trying to work through some issues with my new WIP.  Writing straight fantasy is a lot harder than urban fantasy.

Anyway, here's a photo from what started out as a nice day trip in the Wasatch Mountains and ended up with a harrowing ride up a snow-covered road not nearly big enough for the sedan we were in.  Picture snowbanks brushing the passenger side and a sheer drop off the driver's side.   One slip of the tires and we'd have plummeted a hundred feet into an episode of "I Shouldn't Be Alive".  :shudder:

I wish I'd gotten pics of that, but frankly, I was too scared to think about my camera at the time.
 (There was a pic here, but I had to delete it.)

Ever done anything so totally stupid you wished you hadn't done it, but that you now wish you had pictures of?


  1. Hmmm... I've done a lot of totally stupid things, but not sure about the picture part. Like, the time my horse was misbehaving and flipped over on top of me, and after we got up off the ground I took off his saddle so it wouldn't break if he did it again, and then got back on bareback to make him finish what we'd started when he freaked out? Yeah.

  2. Yes, but I can't remember what they are because I forgot to take pictures. Seriously!

  3. SCAREY! Oh...I would have been freakin' out too! Straight fantasy seems like more to remember than urban would be. Lots of details to write down and keep track of. Good luck!

  4. Yikes! Scary!

    I've done a lot of stupid things but I never remember to take pictures, either. Sigh. I guess we only want to remember the smart things we do?

  5. Whew! That would be scary. Snow and mountains don't mix in my mind. Glad you are okay! I never take pictures of stupid things unless they are for blackmail because someone else is in it with me. MWAH HA HA HA!

  6. Beautiful photo. And yes, there have been times where I'm like, "whoa, glad I made it out of that one." Sometimes those experiences work their way into stories!

  7. I've done many stupid things, but cant think of any right now. Probably too many to contemplate though!

  8. Ha! I'm glad you made it back down. And yes, definitely, I've done some stupid things. But I'm glad I didn't have picture proof.
