Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Query Mistakes

The other day I saw this link to an article about query mistakes.  It's got some pretty good information in it, so I thought I'd pass it along. 

The Biggest Mistakes Writers Make When Querying Literary Agents

Over the course of my querying, I've made several of these, but not in a long time.  Here's hoping I'm not making them unconsciously.  And here's to never making them again.

If you're out there in the query trenches, good luck to you.  I'll be jumping back into the foxhole shortly.


  1. Thanks for the linkage! this looks really good!

  2. This is a great article! I made my share of mistakes while querying, that's for sure.

  3. Thanks for the link, B.E. - I've bookmarked it for when I send out another round of queries on the next project :)

  4. I'm afraid to look at the link and see my name under each mistake. But I will because you so graciously gave it to us! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Great article! And that cartoon was hilarious. When the girl cartoon said "I wish I could kill you and get away with it" - ROTFL!
