Sunday, January 26, 2025

Sunday Update - 2025 Week 4

HELLO!  Yep, I've been lax again.  No reason.  Just a toad.

Nope, no writing.  I've been making edit notes, but those aren't going as fast as I'd like them.  I know I'm picking nits, but if I want this to be the best I can make it, I have to.  Pages and pages of little word changes and big ones, grammar, punctuation, typo fixes, etc.  I'm not sure if I'll make the 2/14 deadline, but I'm trying.  (It'd probably help if I got off my ass more often, but as I said... toad.)

I did marketing this week.  UNEQUAL was free.  I moved 97 copies.  I'm also seeing some page reads and sales from previous marketing efforts, so yay.  I've sold over 20 books this month (which is nearly as many books as I sold the entire year in 2023.)

No reading this week.

I made chocolate oil cake with chocolate frosting earlier this week.  Yesterday, I made pizza.

Let's not mention activity, eh?  But I lost a pound.  Weight: 173.2.  I think it's because I cut way back on snacks throughout the day.  Grazing doesn't do anyone any good.

The little bird is still in the garage.  It's eating suet nuggets, so it's all good.  We'll try to get it out sometime this coming week, when the temps will be in the 50s.

The cats are doing well.  Hubs is doing well.  Family's doing well as far as I know.

I'm so boring, I can't think of anything else to tell y'all about my week.  Here's hoping I get more interesting soon.  Until then, feel free to drop a line about your week so I can live vicariously through your interestingness.  

Peace out.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for moving books, selling books, and page reads! MmmMmm chocolate cake. Birb is happy being garage birb. Let's hope she doesn't nest there. Spring IS coming... LOL

    No comment on the activity or toadiness...

    There was a week. I did editing. I did some X marketing. I keep trying different things. I am selling some books--62 so far this month. That's a big uptick but I think a lot of them can be attributed to LG for recommending my work to his new nurse but the sales tend to be like 1 of every book in a series at one time.

    I'm still chugging toward that 2/14 deadline. I hope to have a cover this week. I have 10-11 chapters/snippets to edit and incorporate then I need to redo front and back matter and format, upload, etc. My brain hurts.

    I was a toad yesterday. I started out today resolute and then I got distracted. After I finish this comment, I'm going to figure out something for lunch and then I'm shutting down the intrawebz and getting to work.

    Tomorrow is procedure on the bad eye. I hope not to be a toad but those 4 a.m. wake-ups are the pits. I can't really see out of that eye anyway so having it dilated shouldn't be a hindrance like the one last week was.

    Not much else going on. Food. Then work. And maybe the Chiefs game for background noise. I'll crack the whip if you'll crack it back. Later, tater.
