Sunday, October 20, 2024

Sunday Update 10/20/24

Good Morning.  I think.  The jury's still out.

I'm deep in editing right now.  Not any of my books, though.  I'm working on doing proofing for a friend.  I should finish today and then get my notes over to her.  Then I'll get back to my own stuff.

I did a lot of marketing this week.  WISH HITS THE FAN was free.  I moved 124 copies of that and sold a WISH IN ONE HAND in Australia.  It's not much, but it's better than a sharp stick in the butt.  I hope to see some residual sales and page reads in the coming weeks.  Like I did a free thing for BOAI last month and yesterday I saw where someone had read the whole thing in KU.  It's the long game here, people.  I've also earned double this year over last year.  Again, not a lot of money, but something is better than nothing.

I'm still not reading, unless you count that friend's book.  

The only thing I made this week of any note was battered tilapia fillets.  I'm all out of baked goods, so I need to rectify that soon.

On the activity front, I walked twice for 1.65 miles and I worked in the woods two days for an hour each day.  Mileage: 52.90.  I haven't weighed myself.  Unfortunately, all physical activity will be on hold for a bit.  Here's the dealie-bob: I was working in the woods and fell on my ass.  What happened was I was carrying a load of sticks from one pile to another, a longish stick fell out of the pile, hit the ground and stabbed me in the leg, so I twisted to get away from the ouchie stick. In doing that, my foot got hung up and my knee started to hyper-extend, so I jigged away from that and went down like a sack of dirt.  I did land on my ass instead of my face, so that's a win.  In the bizarre gymnastics of it all, though, I wrenched my knee pretty damn good.  It's not swollen or anything, but I probably shouldn't go hiking around with it.  Derp.  Hey, I usually fall at least once a year, and I haven't fallen in a couple years, so I should've seen this coming.  :shrug:

Right now, I look like I've undergone some type of weird abuse.  I have grease burns on my hand from the tilapia (flipped the fish and the oil splashed).  I have a bruise on my left leg from Friday when a tree limb snapped and came whipping back at me, whacking me just below the knee.  I have another bruise on that leg from the stabby stick and my right leg is both bruised and missing a layer of skin off the knee.  (I find this all amusing, so no worries.)

And that's about it.  I think I'm going to hit the coffee pot, have a smoke, and then go back to my recliner where I can put my leg up and get back to reading/editing.  Have a great day, everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Owwie! Glad nothing serious but yeah, recliner for you, woman! And coffee. That always helps. Also, thanks for the emails. 😉

    I can almost top your owwie. I was standing in the kitchen and I heard Jake "prancing" in LG's office (door opens into kitchen between stove and fridge). The lights were off. All the sudden, I hear a yelp and as I start through the doorway, here comes Jake. He runs smack-dab into me. Dragging a wood and wire decorative shutter. He'd gotten it hung up in his fur playing with Loki, who was hiding behind the shutter. The thing slammed into my shinn, leaving blood and bruises and scrapes in it's wake. Oh, and dog hair. Fun times. 🤦🏼‍♀️

    I managed to make three graphics for marketing once I get the book uploaded for publishing. I have a couple more ideas if I can find the right pics. Still waiting on the cover. I need to nudge Only.

    I'll be taking MIDNIGHT CLEAR off KU in December when it comes up for renewal. It's pretty much run it's course in KU so I'll take it wide in time for Christmas this year, see it it'll attract more readers. It's on my list to get it set up for D2D publication. Gotta get MMB out there first.

    Not much else is going on. Tonight's Mets/Dodgers game may or may not set up the World Serious with the Yankees. If Dogers win, it's done. If Mets win, there will be a game 7. There's been some crazy baseball played in the division championships!

    On that note, I should go do something. Not sure what but something. I've pretty much vegged all day. I mean, I opened your blog about 9 am and I'm just now getting around to leaving a comment. Just call me Veghead. Have a great week, and hope the knee heals soon! Later, tater.
