Thursday, August 15, 2024

Thursday This n That

I actually had someone read the entire A Model Curse series in one night.  And then they started on Once Upon a Djinn.  I hope they go through that whole series, too.  I love that you can track the progress of readers using Kindle Unlimited.  I just wish more people would find and love these books.  It certainly would make life easier if sales went up.

Last night, we watched Free Guy.  I'd seen it before, but this was the first time I caught it at the beginning so we could watch it all the way through.  Good movie, if you haven't seen it.

I also got writing done, so don't go wagging your finger at me.  =op

I had some plain yogurt sitting in the fridge, so I decided to make 'cream cheese' with it.  Put a coffee filter in a mesh sieve, put the yogurt in the filter, put the whole thing over a bowl, and let it drain.  In a day or two, you'll have something that's the consistency of cream cheese.  And it can pretty much be used in the same fashion.  Although, I'm not sure I would try to make cheesecake with it.  Yogurt can be heated but from what I understand, it separates at temps over 350F.  Anyway, I'll probably use this to make dip.  Or I'll make a coffee cake recipe I found yesterday.  :shrug:  

Which reminds me, I think I figured out why my sour cream coffee cake failed.  I substituted yogurt for the sour cream, but that wasn't the problem.  The recipe calls for 1 cup of butter and I only used 1 stick (1/2 cup).  Derp.  I had planned on trying the recipe yesterday and noticed the error I'd made.  Unfortunately, I don't have two sticks of butter to bake with right now.  Maybe after I go shopping this week, I'll try it again.

I keep sleeping in.  I mean, I'm getting up at 6:30 but that's sleeping in for me.  I usually get up an hour earlier.  Yeah, it relates to not being able to fall asleep every night, which is getting annoying... which makes me mad which makes it harder to fall asleep.  It's a vicious circle.

Okay, I'm off to do things and try to accomplish stuff.  Have a great day and leave me your this n thats if you get a chance.  

1 comment:

  1. Glad you were able to self-diagnose the baking. Good job! Hope you did things and accomplished much.

    This is the week for appointments and doctor bills--vet and people. And blood. As in giving some for testing. Fun times. The good news is that I might have sold a book to the "vampire" who drew my blood. 😄 She was nice and made it easy even though she had to go alternate routes to get the vein.

    Did some writing--not as much as I'd like but forward progress.

    It's hot. Really hot.

    Is clematis pronounced cluh-mat-is or clam-ah-tis? (Asking for a friend...) Actually, just heard it in an audiobook. I vote the first.

    I have a headache. I want to go lay down but I wouldn't get anything done today.

    Went to Wallyworld after the lab draw. LG was there because he was afraid I'd get lost. He wasn't kidding! Not only is a whole bunch of stuff moved around but the whole interior is being "upgraded." I guess it's a good thing. I'll eventually get used to where stuff is. Jake and I did happen to bump into one of our favorite associates! It was time for hugs and pets.

    Not much else to relay. I need to eat something and figure out what the heck I'm doing. Later, tater.
