Monday, August 26, 2024


Yesterday, I had several good ideas for a blog post, but I was too lazy and didn't write them.  This morning?  Nada.  So you're stuck with this. I really need to at least write the ideas down when they're hanging out in my head.  You'd think I'd know better.  Derp.

We had free Starz movie channels this weekend.  Not a whole lot on that I wanted to watch, but we did catch two sleepers - Ordinary Angels and Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris.  Both lovely movies.  Yes, tears will be involved, but they're good tears.

Men do not generally understand that women need to cry.  The idea confuses them and the act makes them very uncomfortable.  Eh.  If I don't have myself a good cry every now and then I get emotionally constipated and cranky.  Gotta open the pressure valve and let it all out.  Better to do that then have an explosion of monumental proportions wherein you do or say things you will regret.  Jus' sayin'.  It's also better than drowning it in food or worse, booze.  Go for it.  Have a good, old-fashioned, ugly cry.  You'll feel better.

Finn is the funniest little kitty.  He likes to drink water off his paw.  He'll actually stand with one paw in the water bowl and then lift it and lick all the water off.  Repeat until his thirst is quenched.  Unfortunately, this leads to wet kitty paw prints all over the floors.  And on my shirt if I don't notice his feet are wet before I pick him up.  He's so pick-up-able that I don't really mind.  Finn's my little love muffin.

Speaking of cats, I took three pieces of paper, folded them in half and I use them to make a little paper tent tunnel that the boyz love to knock down or try to run through. And once the paper is all flat on the floor, they like to lay on it.   It distracts them for a while, which is always a good thing.  

With the WIP on hold to marinate, I need to decide which book to work on next.  I also need to figure out if I should pick up where I left off or start over from the beginning like I did with Duke Noble #2.  I do not plan on starting anything totally new.  I have too many unfinished projects to forge into unknown territory.  For now, though, I'm just marinating.  

Okay, time to pour some more coffee down my gullet and get the day started.  I hope you enjoyed this thoroughly random post this morning.  I'll try to remember the post topics I thought of and write those for this coming week.  Wish me luck. LOL

1 comment:

  1. Random is interesting. Sadly, I have no random thoughts in my head. I'm feeling the crunch of self-imposed deadlines. Ugh. That means I have specifics in my head. Like...

    What the heck is my actual season timeline in this dumb book? (Spring to fall? Summer to winter?) What the hell is the weather like in Boston anyway?!?!

    Should I punctuate the dude's name? Is it JD or J.D. (I actually looked up rules on this and they seem to be all over the place. Gah! *muppet flail*

    Alibis-smhalibis. TOD is uncertain so how the heck to I make sure the good guy has a solid alibi? Does it matter?

    Do I ID one of the bad guys (I know who he actually is) or just leave him anonymous by using his moniker?

    Do I really want a book this long?

    Fun times. Not. I killed the coffee pot already. But then again, it IS 3 pm so there's that. I need to stop falling down rabbit holes, write the dang book and then fix stuff when I revise the thing again before it goes to betas. That's what I should do. Yup. I'm gonna get right on that. Scritch the kitties for me, 'kay?

    Later, tater.
