Thursday, July 25, 2024

Thursday This n That

 I just saw a hilarious meme on FB.  It was an old-timey, book cover like picture of a guy holding off a tiger with the butt of his rifle and the caption had the guy saying something like 'I don't want any frosted flakes!' and the tiger saying 'but they're great!'  Well, I laughed.  In comments there was a guy spouting off about how horrible frosted flakes are for you.  Dude needs to grow a funny bone.  He must be a riot at parties. ROFL

Ricky Gervais - who I sometimes agree with and sometimes I think he's a butt- said something along the lines of 'You found it offensive.  I found it funny. That's why I'm happier than you.'  Bingo.

People really need to chill out.  Yeah, there's a lot of stuff to be unchill about. That's why you need your sense of humor more than ever now.

I keep seeing this idea running around social media about how despite having differing ideas, we can all still be friends.   (I just this second saw another meme about it.)  Umm... not really.  Hey, I'm all for everyone having opinions of their own.  I'm also all for not having to give one more second of my time to opinions that wildly diverge from my own.  :shrug:  You do you.  Just do it in another room.  Or from behind my block list.  And yes, I realize this is not a popular attitude to have when you're someone who wants people to buy, read, and review your books.  But I gotta be me. 

An armadillo wandered through our yard a couple of days ago.  It's been a while since we saw one of those in the yard.  They're kinda destructive little buggers, but a guy's gotta make a living somehow.  The next day we saw where he'd been digging.  It's kinda trashed over there.  On the upside, he uncovered a large rock that I can dig out and move.  

We also saw a little fox.  Yay.

Last night, when I was supposed to be falling asleep, my brain decided it was time for a slideshow of everything I've ever done, followed by a discussion period, with the jukebox set to autoplay every song I'd ever heard.  Fun times.  I eventually fell asleep, but man, sometimes my brain is annoying.

Okay, it's about that time, so I'm off for my morning call to Mom.  Have a great day, folks.

1 comment:

  1. That's a ROFL meme for sure! I bet that guy is progressive. 🙄 I'm all for civil discourse and differrent opinions but being friends? Not so much. Acquantances, yeah. Maybe. I'm a firm believer in "just scroll on by if you disagree." Yay for wildlife and rocks! Gah, brain noise! Sadly, this is why I sleep with the TV on. Silence starts the loop in my brain and if we lose power or wifi while I'm asleep? The silence and dark wakes me within about a minute.

    As for me, I've given up on daily JuLoWriMo stats. That does not mean I've stopped making forward progress. It just means that I'm into "uncharted" territory in the book and I'm adding to scenes and rearranging them to form chapters. Anyway, I'm still working every day.

    Pete is feeling better. Yay.

    I realized yesterday that when I walk, I do it slightly hunched over. Now I'm making a conscious effort to stiffen my posture in spine and shoulders.

    The heat is coming back. It's July heading into August. This should not be surprising. Sure enjoyed the cool while it lasted.

    And that's about the story of my life these days. Happy Thursday and tomorrow is TGIF!!!! Upward and onward.
