Sunday, July 28, 2024

Sunday Update

Good morning all.  It's Sunday again... you know, in case you have a tough time figuring out what day it is, like me.  

In the writing realm, I didn't write every day like I was supposed to.  I missed two days because of reasons and due to because.  I still managed to add 4840 words, though, so it's all good.  This book is now at 24533.  Yay.  I've also been thinking about another book and wanting to work on that, which for me is a bad idea.  I need to finish this before I go back to that or I'll never finish this.  There are enough unfinished novels on my hard drive to attest to that.  Still, it's good to be thinking about books again, so I have that going for me.

I read two books last week and made it about 100 or so pages into another.  

I was busy in the kitchen this week.  I made oatmeal cookies which didn't turn out too well, but we're eating them anyway.  Then I made coffee cake which didn't turn out the way it was supposed to, but we're eating it anyway.  Then I made pizza which was pretty damn good if I do say so myself.

On the activity front, I only did something active four days out of seven, and some of that wasn't all that active.  Still, it was more than sitting on my butt in a chair, so I counted it.  Two of the days, I walked.  My mileage is up to just over 30 miles this year.  Weight: 169.2

I've been working on the genealogy again.  This week, I got a little farther up the tree on the ancestors who came from Europe.  If I read German, I could probably make more progress, but I'm muddling along.  I also discovered some cousins I once knew, but haven't seen in decades, who have passed away.  They're all on my dad's side, and those people stopped communicating with Mom after Dad passed, so while it is annoying that no one told us, it's not super surprising.  If we'd known, we probably would've at least sent flowers, if not actually gone and paid our respects.  They were all in their 80s, so nothing shocking there, but still sad.  I also found where my great-aunt's grandson was killed in a tractor accident in 1962.  Dead kids in my tree make me sad.

I'm still thinking about the day job. I can't seem to stop myself from wondering if this got done or that got done, and did they remember to do that other thing that I was in charge of but that no one seemed to take care of before I got there?  :shrug:  This, too, shall pass.  Also, I kinda miss my guys.  Not enough to want to go back to work, but still...

Well, I think that's about it for me.  Other things happened, but at the moment I can't think of them, so they must not have been important in the scheme of things.  This week will be more writing, more reading, etc.  I also really need to get on top of updating all my books' back matter and continuing to make sure all the paperbacks are correct.  (That last one should've already been done, but it's a slog because my internet is sooo slow that I'm less inclined to want to do it.)

Have a great day, everyone!  And if you're in the mood, tell me about your weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Welp. It's the weekend. The Kids' garage sale went well with about $1K made as of last evening. One more day today and then this afternoon, anything left will be dropped off at our favorite charity resale shop. Why yes, I am living a bit vicarious through others. 😄

    LG drove me to the nearest grocery store to pick up a few items--bread, milk, etc. Then we popped across the street to hit Ace Hardware for birdseed. Jake got to go. He was excited to see his friends at Ace. We haven't been there in a few weeks and at that time, his favorite clerk wasn't there. Found out she'd had quadruple by-pass. We were laughing about comparing surgical scars and weight loss. Sadly, I beat on both. She only lost 25 lbs. while I shed 50. Her scar is longer by a couple of inches but mine is wider and thicker and I have two small scars from the failed laprascopy tries. Yes, I am easily amused. 🙄

    I'm boycotting the Olympics. 😑

    Slow progress this weekend but I am making some on the WIP. I've at least stared at the monitor every day this week. 😁

    Okay. Break time over. Time to fix lunch, check on laundry and then back to staring at the WIP. Later, gator. Enjoy what's left of your weekend. Tomorrow is Monday.
