Thursday, August 8, 2019

Thursday This n That

How did it get to be Thursday already?

My ad got approved for Ereader News Today for the 27th.  So, the genie books will be on sale early August 25th thru the night of the 31st.  WIOH - 99c, the others $1.99. We'll see if a discount prior to Labor Day does me any good.  My only problem is UWC's Kindle thingie ends on the 24th, so whether it will be a Kindle Countdown Deal or just discounted on its own remains to be seen.  No accounting for when ENT gives me a date.

When I've been making burgers lately, I've been toasting the buns and then buttering them before I put the patty on.  Lemme tell ya... yum.

Every time I think the world as gone about as nuts as it can go, it says 'hold my beer' and leaps off the diving board into a whole new depth of loony. 

We had a turtle in the yard the other day.  Awesome.  And bummer.  When the turtles start coming into the yard again, it means the bug spray is wearing off.  Love the turtles.  Hate the ticks more.

If you're into bladed weapons (or forging, I guess), you really need to watch Forged in Fire.  Doug Marcaida testing weapons is a thing of beauty.

I made enchiladas the other day.  I usually put seasoned chicken and rice in them, but I was totally lazy and rice can be such a pain in the buns, so I substituted Ramen noodles for rice.  I boiled the noodles for 3 minutes, drained them, and dumped them in with the seasoned chicken.  Stirred until they were all seasoned, too, then stuff the mix into tortillas.  Rolled 'em up, laid 'em in a baking dish, and covered them with green enchilada sauce.  Yummers.

I believe I've mentioned before how much I love food.

Gah, I can't wait for summer to be over.

And that's it for me.  What's it for you?


  1. Yay for the ad. Hope you sell lots! Awww, turtle. Booo, ticks. I always toast my buns so they don't fall apart with the condiments and juicy burgers. I melt butter on the top of the patty before flipping it. Also yummers. I'm really tired of holding the world's beer. Just sayin'... You and LG. He tapes the show. I'm bad. I just buy Stoeffers. stuffs:

    Today is International Cat Day. Loki is celebrating by refusing to sit in my lap. Nope. He wants cuddle time in my arms on my chest. I am a cat slave.

    Turned the book in. Getting ready to update and then pull a series off KU. We'll see how wide distribution goes. Also going to get all the Nightrider books in print.

    Got an email from a reader upset that I haven't continued the Hard Target series. I need to get on that. Those guys are just too quiet. They need to speak up. 😬 (that's a grimacing face, FYI 🙄)

    I have a goal. I'm going to use all the one-liners I have on my big white board before the year is out. Will I meet it? Probably not, but I wrote them down for a reason and they deserve to be used in a book.

    There's a chance for rain today. Shhhhh. Don't want to scare it away.

    And...I think that's it for me. I agree. Time for summer to go hibernate!

  2. Congrats on your ad -- I'm wishing you many sales!

    Yay for the turtle! (boo to ticks)

    Fall can't come soon enough!
