Sunday, April 1, 2018

Sunday Update - Week 13

Hey All.

First off, in honor of the President's proclamation that April is National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention month, Fertile Ground will be priced at 99c for the entire month.

Next, I started reading through Sleeping Ugly to make notes, got wrapped up in the story and didn't make any notes through 11% of the book, started over.

I also have been working on revamping the blurb for FG while I tweak the blurb for Early Grave because I decided I hate FG's blurb.  I rewrote it and then rewrote it again.  And then rewrote it again.  Actually, it was the 6th try that I finally liked and it's up.  (I hope.  I haven't checked this morning.)

Dying Embers will be free for the five days after Early Grave goes live, so if you want to get the three books of the SCIU series for around $4, wait until then.

I haven't been reading again.  I mean, I finished Serpent's Child by DJ Salisbury, and it was coated in awesomesauce.  Then I tried to pick up Lord Jim, but I kept thinking about how I have to get to work on Sleeping Ugly, so I put it down.  Not sure what I'll read next - something I don't have to think about too much, I think.

Oh, yeah, Happy Easter!  Damn near forgot about that.  In fact, I have forgotten about it pretty much.  No cards went out.  No candy was bought.  It's also April Fool's Day, which I don't celebrate at all.  And it's the 14th anniversary of the day I first laid eyes on Hubs.  A good day all around.  In keeping with our better food choices, I'm eschewing ham this year in favor of salmon and shrimp.  :sniffle:  Buh-bye ham.  Totally screwing with the better food choices, I picked up a brownie sampler thing at Walmart.  Soo good.  (because, yes, I have already eaten a goodly portion of it.)

Not much else going on.  It's been raining raining raining here and it's totally anti-motivational.  Can't fish, can't garden, can't walk.  Yuck.

What's up in your world?


  1. I'm doing a small brisket with baked beans and deviled eggs though we normally do fast food for Sunday night "dinner." It's cold here. Misty-moisty but not really rain. I wish it would. Rain, that is.

    I'm deep into Jennifer Ashley's Shifter Unbound series. Usually after this many books, I'm rolling my eyes and sort of zipping ahead. Not so this series.

    I took this weekend off because the writing? It ain't happenin'. Tomorrow. No ifs, ands, and buts.

    That's about it for me. Except the need for a nap. Even though the cat and dogs let me sleep until 7 a.m. Even though I've just finished my 4th cup of coffee.

    Boring stuff. Happy Easter and salmon and shrimp sounds pretty yummy to me. ;)

  2. I love you got so wrapped up in SU you forgot to edit it. That's a great feeling!


    My whine for the day: I've been begging my muse to come visit for weeks. Soooo tired of dragging out words one by one. But today she arrived - yay! I was sitting here writing away like a crazy thing and ---

    My brother called. The one with brain damage, who can't remember we had part of this conversation this morning. And of course he wanted to talk. And talk. My muse decided she wasn't getting enough attention and tried to sneak away. I grabbed her by the tail feathers and hung on! Finally convinced my brother he had to ask Mom if she even wanted the thing he's dying to buy for her (with my financial help. No fair! He makes more money on SSI than I do in all my little businesses.)

    Anyway, I finally get him off the phone. But all I have in hand is one little tail feather. :-(

    Wish me luck in hunting her down again tonight!
