Sunday, January 3, 2016

2015 Wrap Up

I said somewhere that I'd do a wrap up of 2015 this morning.  Okay, here goes...

I was totally going to do a month by month thing, but I got bored.  And if it's boring me, it's sure as hell gonna bore you. 

Here are the highlights:

I published four books in 2015, which means doing all the things that are required to get books up and available.  You know, cover art, editing, marketing, etc.  Lucky for me, all four of those books had already been written. 

Hubs sanded all the yucky orange paint off the house.  It looks so much nicer.

I did some landscaping and gardening, so the yard is pretty much the way I want it now. 

A lot of time and energy went into keeping Max as comfortable as possible with his recurring mouth infection.  In November, we lost the fight and decided Max had fought enough. 

Baen rejected Djinnocide, which gave me leave to publish it myself - as Wish in One Hand.

I ended the year with 1017 books sold in 2015. 

And that's about all.  What are some of the highlights from your 2015?


  1. The highlight? I survived! Hey, that's the important thing, right? Haha! :)

  2. That's a mighty full year there, young 'un, though I'm still sad about Max. I know he was much loved and pampered and that y'all still miss him.

    Let's see...I had my first 2 Harlequin's release. I wrote and released 4 self-pubbed books, and wrote 2 more HQs releasing next year. One 2014 book won an award, one 2015 book finaled in an award. Just to be perverse, I entered all my 2015 books in contests. We'll see how they do.

    I know I did other stuff but that pretty much seems to be it. Oh, I did go to New York for a conference. I'd like to go back with The Only when we have time to just explore. When I win the lottery. That is sooooo on my to-do list for 2016. LOL

    I'm plotting out the plan for 2016 at the moment and doing a panic dance. So much to do and only 362 days to do it in. I'd better get to work!

  3. Hooray for the four books published last year, and the four you plan for this year! Plus gardening, and photography... You're a busy woman.

    I published two novels last year, and I finally finished 4C on the last day of the year. Party time! Except edits for 3C are waiting for me, and the outline 5C is calling my name. Back to work. :-)
