As usual, I'm elsewhere today. Mondays mean my day to blog over at The Killer Chicks where I'm talking about my crazy-pants life and how awesome it is to be busy.
Mondays also mean a guest post at The Unpublished Writers' Guide to Survival (usually). This week, I badgered the lovely and talented Karyn Good into writing a most excellent guest post.
Please stop on by and leave a comment or two.
And if you haven't responded to this month's poll at The Guide, take a second and enter your totally anonymous answer. (Seriously anonymous. I have no clue who answers these things.) Also, if you're not currently 'following' The Guide, would you do that for me, too? It's not just for my own personal satisfaction - some industry people look at these things when they're judging whether I'm worthy of their notice.
See you out there on the interwebs!
Wow, it's busy out there on the interwebs today, B.E.! I'm still not through my list. Have been to The Guide, now off to Killer Chicks...see you in a bit ;)