Tuesday, February 16, 2010


You know something?  I wrote that subject up there and now I'm trying not to get that song stuck in my head.  My brother ruined it for me years ago, and now I can't even remember the real words.  I only remember the funny words he sang into my impressionable teenage brain.  (I won't do the same to you - unless it's killing you to know, of course.)

Anyway, long story short, I took yesterday off.  I didn't wake up with the intention of doing nothing, but nothing got done.  I guess I needed a nothing day.  Everyone does every once in a while, right? 

I did get some reading done.  Woohoo.  My TBR pile is seriously depleted now.  I only have two new books left.  :shrug:  Just as well.  I mean it's not like I don't have a ton of old books I could read.  I finally read Peter Benchley's Beast.  (Not as good as Jaws, btw.) And now I'm reading an old Gordon R. Dickson called R-Master. 

And of course, I watched the Olympics.  Eight medals in about 4 days.  Go USA! 

Today?  Well, I need to make up some of the words I missed by not writing yesterday and I really need to make up some of the housework I didn't do.  We'll see how much of anything gets done and how motivated I am once they start televising Olympics again today.  ;o)

What's on the schedule for you today? 


  1. I think you read far more quickly than I do. My tbr pile never seems to go down at all.

    Today I'm just relieved to be home from work, but it's pancakes all round and making the most of having chocolate before giving it up for several weeks tomorrow.

  2. The olympics are seriously getting in my way of writing, lol! It's always on and I'm always watching it, lol.

    Anyway, today I need to finish my book review for history (UGGGGH!) That's really all I have planned. I'd like to work on my story, but I might be too mentally exhausted by the time the essay is done. We'll see.
