Thursday, March 6, 2025

Thursday This n That

A few minutes ago, Hubs and I were out in the smoking room, which overlooks the woods.  The sun is just coming up here and what do we see silhouetted against the dawn?  Vultures.  The trees are filled with vultures.  I counted 85 and that was just what we could see from those windows.  I expect if I had opened the door out onto the deck, the count would've been well over 100.  As I said on FB, "I'm not dead yet. Go away."  It's kinda creepy out there, but also cool.  

I made cinnamon rolls again yesterday.  It's getting kinda easy to make them now, after all the batches I've done in recent months.  And I think I have the filling down now.  So yay.  I'll try to remember to post the recipe sometime soon.

If you make a cinnamon roll filling that's spreadable, it oozes out when you cut them.  If you do the filling so it's sprinkle-able, your rolls are dry.  So, I devised one that is just short of spreadable and has to be crumbled by hand.  It's messy as hell and you end up with gooey hands, but it's worth it.

I just dribbled coffee on my keyboard and my desk.  Derp.  So wasteful.

WISH IN ONE HAND is free right now.  And it's moving nicely this time.  Without too much help from me, which is good in a way because I've been a toad this week.

There's a lot of craziness on the internet right now.  For the most part, I'm avoiding it.  I block at least a dozen people every day.  These aren't friends, per se, but strangers who've commented on a friend's post - spewing idiocy, etc.  Some of the stuff I'm seeing is really quite shocking, to use an antique turn of phrase.  :shudder:  TDS is high.  Antisemitism is off the charts.  I'm not sure what this world got itself into while I was working, but GAH.

I need coffee.  And I'm about out of things to say, so I'll leave you at that.  Go forth, drink coffee, and try to stay sane out there.

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