Wednesday, January 8, 2025

2025 Books Read

Here we are with my 2025 Books Read post.  I started it a little later than usual this year because it took me a while to finish that first book.  

If you haven't been following along all these years, here's how this post goes.  The books I read are in reverse order - newest first.  * means ebook.  # means 'new to me and underappreciated'.  If there's a number at the end, it's where the book's at in a series.  The links go to Goodreads where I may or may not have written a review.  (Check back on Saturdays for my weekly Reading Wrap-up to see reviews.)

I set my goal for this year's reading at 70.  We'll see how that goes.

Okay, with that out of the way, let's begin...

1) Child Star by Shirley Temple Black (1/8/25) - autobiography

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy this reading journey with me.

1 comment:

  1. I set my goal at 200, always adjustable but it's what I average. According to GR, I'm behind schedule, having only finished 2 books so far. Life, don'cha know. That and finding a book that holds my attention. That's been hard this year. I read NIGHT PLEASURES and NIGHT EMBRACE by Sherrilyn Kenyon. Went old skool. Sadly, interest petered out before the 4th book (1st book finished on 12/30). Currently struggling with THE SERPENT AND THE WOLF and WITCH WORLD. The 1st is from the library. Long story on why I started it in the middle of another book. Anyway, I actually haven't touched either of them in two days. Ack. I need a great book to catch my attention!

    Cheers to better reading times for us both.
