Sunday, June 23, 2024

Sunday Update 6/22/24

Okee dokie, I ate something yesterday that left me feeling gross this morning, so this might not be the most awesome of Sunday Updates...

First things first - because it always comes first... writing.  I wrote twice this past week for a total of 1684 words.  I had intended to write more, but I didn't.  The first writing session left me with an ouchy hand the next day, and being the big baby that I can be sometimes, I put off writing again for several days.  The next session wasn't nearly as hard on my hands, so yay.  But I really need to get myself into the writing groove, so that every night I am sitting here for at least a half hour, banging away at the keyboard.

Another writerly thing is that I set Sleeping Ugly up with a three day freebie deal.  Friday - Saturday - Sunday.  Which means today is the last day and if you haven't taken advantage of this, then your time is running out.  I've moved 42 books as of this morning.  Small beans in the scheme of things, but considering I'm only reaching people through Facebook groups designed for this type of marketing AND considering those 42 books are more books than I moved all of last year and a good part of '22, I'll take it.  Maybe those freebies will encourage people to buy the other two books in the series.  Maybe it'll get me a new review or two.  I have hopes.

To that end, I'll be running freebies and sales a lot over the next three months, just to make something happen.  Keep following this page or follow me on Facebook for up to date info on that jazz.

In reading news, I've been reading the same book all week - Poirot's Casebook.  It's a boatload of short stories by Agatha Christie, all involving Hercule.  It's pretty awesome, but I've read like 350 pages so far and I've only reached in the middle of the volume.

I was active 5 our of 7 days this week.  Cleaning mostly, but I did get a walk in.  I did what I call Loop +, which means walking the entire neighbor circle, plus the little short road.  That makes it 1.1 miles and puts me at 24.4 miles for the year so far.  My calf muscles are still protesting that walk.  I didn't weigh myself this week.  Mostly because I've been eating like a horse, so I don't expect to see a downward change and I don't want to see an upward change. LOL

In baking news, I made Parmesan-encrusted pork chops.  Then I got a wild hair and made brownies one night.  Both of those... so good.    It's really getting too hot here to bake a lot, which is why I try to do it in the morning, but sometimes a gal just has to have brownies.  Warm, with ice cream.  

Other than that?  I'm sure other stuff occurred, but my brain is toast today.  

How are things in your world?

1 comment:

  1. All in all, not a bad week for you. You are settling back into life and slowly regaining activities. Plus, new words and brownies! Sounds like a win to me. 😄

    I'm still behing on my GR reading challenge but I'm creeping up on being even. I've read or listened to 15 so far this year, which puts me only 8 behind schedule of my much lowered expectations of 50 books this year.

    I'm still plowing through the WIP refresh read. I did write 250 words this past week that will be added when I get to the right spot. That's some progress, I guess. Ju-Lo-Wri-Mo is going to be a combination of edits and new words but hey, that's all a step closer to publication, right? Right!

    If LG is up and moving soon, I'll make a Wallyworld run with him. He really doesn't want me going alone for a time or two. 🙄 And groceries must be had today--catfood, protein shakes, dinners. Thing is, it's HOT. I don't want to take Jake when the pavement can burn his paws. That's why I always go early in the summer. Well, that, and the avoidance of crowds.

    Still waiting for my new Real ID/DL to arrive. I have driven a couple of time this past week. Still feels weird and requires concentration. Good thing it's like riding a bike!

    That's it for me. Later, tater.
