Sunday, April 2, 2023

Sunday Update - Week 13

 Okay, so... Week 13... 

Busy busy busy at work.  Work, now with 33% more busy.  

The weather here has been interesting, but not bad.  So if you've been seeing things, they are not here.  We got a bunch of rain and wind.  Then we got bunches of sun and wind.  Loads of sticks everywhere, but no real worries.  We went for a drive yesterday and could see where a rather large tree had fallen across the highway.  But it was cleaned up by the time we got there, so no worries.  It must've been a helluva surprise for the first person who arrived  after it fell, though.  Come around a curve and ACK!  I hope they stopped and didn't hit it.  I supposed I'll find out when the newspaper comes out.

Speaking of going for a drive, we went up to look at puddy-tats.  We did not come home with one.  There were some nice enough cats there, but none of them were quite right.  Since Hubs is going to be the one home with it all day, he's leading the hunt.  There was a beautiful, long-haired, black male.  He has diabetes, so no.  After years of dealing with a special needs kitty, we are not willing to go there.  There was a short-haired, chunky boi tabby.  The employee there kept saying that this cat could be kind of a butt.  I did not find that to be the case.  Unfortunately, he was a little older than we want.  The flame-point Siamese mix was super unfriendly.  Bummer.   He would probably get over that in a home environment, but can't take the chance he won't.  This will be our cat for life, no takesy-backsies.  There was a gorgeous calico, but she may have something wrong with her and they won't say when or whether she'll be up for adoption.  She loved me, but again, can't do sick kitty.  They had an actual Abyssinian.  She was gorgeous.  I thought she was a kitten, but she was 3 years old.  Too small.  And after reading up on the breed, not really the cat for us.  They had two actual kittens - one was super loud and the other one... well, I'm not sure why I didn't go for her, but she wasn't right.  We'll know when it's the right one.  We might try the other shelter near (for varying definitions of near) us today.  Otherwise, we'll try again next weekend.  

Ahem... umm... back to regular updates... 

I finished reading a couple books this week and I'm halfway through another.  I've almost caught back up to my goal progress with only one behind now.

No baking.

Not much in the way of activity this week.  I keep saying I need to walk more and then I don't.  Hubs is doing good on his activity, but that's while I'm at work.  Blerg.  No weight check because I haven't stepped on a scale in a while.

We're starting to be able to tell which deer are pregnant.  Yay.  

And that's about it for me.  How are things in your world?

1 comment:

  1. Glad the weather missed you. You could send some of that rain back this way though. We had wildfires. It was crazy. There'd be trees and green grass and a house completely destroyed. Flying embers from the dame red cedar trees. Those things go up like Roman candles soaked in gasoline.

    I still haven't gotten back in to the book. Stupid crud. I'm so ready to be over this stuff.

    I wake up feeling pretty good but by the time I feed cats, let dogs out and in, check email and blogs, I'm ready to go back to bed. And there's not enough coffee anywhere to countact the exhaustions.

    In fact, this is my last stop. I'm headed back to bed. Hope yoiu have a great week! Later, tater.
