Sunday, February 20, 2022

Sunday Update - Week 7

Okay.  So here we are again.  Sunday.  Hmm.  Let's see...

I've spent a lot of time this week editing.  I went from pg137 to pg214 - notes made and entered.  I have another page of notes to enter that I made last night.  Those should get me another ten pages along or so.  But the manuscript is up to 375 pages now.  I'm wracked with self-doubt and pushing through, because eh, what else is there to do?  I think it's helping that I'm treating this like it's not my book.  I'm just editing it.  That gives me the ability to set the work aside from the author.  Which is me.  If that makes any sense.

No marketing.  No reading.  Because editing.

I did bake some stuff.  On Monday, I did a vat of stew, granola bars, and homemade biscuits.  Thursday I did oatmeal jam squares.  Yesterday I made no bake cookies with oats and crushed pretzels.  Yes, I know it's not all baking.  :shrug:

The activity front picked up a little this week.  Two days of working in the woods.  Man, after a couple weeks of being lazy, climbing that damn hill was a bitch.  Especially the first day.  The second day was better.  I'll do it again today.  There's a lot of work left to do before warmer weather hits and I can't go into the woods.  Ticks and snakes, doncha know.  

Speaking of working in the woods, I found more barbed wire.  This time, I didn't get tangled in it, thank you very much.  But it was at the very bottom of the hill and there was a lot of it.  I considered how I was going to get it up the hill and then trudged back to the house for something to carry it in.  You can't carry strands of loopy wire, barbed or not, in a garbage bag.  Shreds the plastic and then what's the point?  So, I went into the garage.  My big bucket is filled with iris bulbs right now.  But hey, there's the plastic tub I had dirt in!  I grabbed that and headed out the door with Hubs telling me if I waited, he'd help.  Eh.  I wasn't in the mood to wait.  I trudged down the hill with the tub.  Hopped the wet-weather creek that was about 3 feet across with running water and went to work, bending and cramming and stuffing the wire into the tub.  Luckily, only the top strand was actually barbed.  I got it all and trudged back up the hill carrying this tub.  It wasn't heavy, just cumbersome.  And not a scratch on me.  Yay.

On a side note, I think this wire dates back to the late 1800s.  I'd sell it online, but the thought of trying to ship it leaves me cold.  

On another side note, I need to remember to tell the new neighbors about the possibility they have barbed wire in their woods, too.  So the kids don't run afoul of it.  

Anyway, that batch is gone so I don't have to worry about deer getting tangled up and hurt with it.  I think the recent deluge of rain uncovered it or they would've hurt themselves before now.  And then I went and really uncovered it, so it definitely had to go that day.

And that's my life.  Editing, baking, woods work.  Oh, and we did watch a lot of Olympics.  My god, I've never seen so much curling in my life.  It became a joke here.  "Look, honey!  Curling!  And I was afraid I might go all day without seeing it."  I think today's the last day, so back to my regularly scheduled programming.  I might just cancel TV because there are only so many reruns a brain can take and all the new stuff blows.

What's up in your life?


  1. Congrats on pushing through the edits and that totally makes sense. Yum. Whoohoo for woods and no injuries! Yeah, best beware. I have to admit, I kinda like curling. LOL

    My week? Yeah. No. It's fired. So is my weekend. Except for dinner last night with the Kids. It was wonderful. The rest? Not so much. Read my blog tomorrow. I won't bore you here.

    No writing. No readking/listening. No baking. Work was inside cleaning crap that was not usual maintenance. And there are reasons I'm not now getting around to blogs and the internet.

    I need a nap. Here's to a productive week for us all!

  2. Yay for editing! I love reading about your progress.

    This week I baked biscuits. (mumbles: from a boxed mix. Does that count?) Somehow they give me indigestion, but they taste sooooo good.

    I didn't get much work done. Several days were wasted trying to fix my email (no go), then in changing all my accounts over to a new email. Maybe all? I found one I missed today, so I'm sure there are more, but I'm getting there.
