Saturday, May 9, 2020

Saturday Reading Wrap-up - 5/9/20

Well, here we are again.  I only finished one book, but it was a good one.  Unfortunately, I wasted a lot of time on the book I DNF'd.  Blerg.

No new ebooks this week.  Still no new hardcovers.  I saw on FB where St Vinny's is going to be opening soon, but only for donations.  :sadface: 

Books Read:

40) SALEM: Blood to Drink (Jason Crane #4) by Richard Gleaves (5/7/20)* - Paranormal Suspense* - 5 stars.  Not new to me but could certainly use more reviews.  Picked after learning from the author's FB page that it was free.
Review:  "Wow. That was one hell of a story."
Note:  Sometimes right after I finish a good book, I'm left dumb and all I can manage is something like the review above.  Then later, trying to think of stuff to add to a review  - if I remember to go back later - is like... duh, what?  Suffice it to say, this was the 4th book in a series I've seriously enjoyed.  Go forth and read the series already.


5/3/20 - 50c at the thrift store.  I finally gave up on reading Inferno by Dan Brown.  Gah, I don't remember the other two being this overly descriptive, even amidst what ought to be thrilling, but it's been a while since I read those.  I finally gave up.  Maybe my attention span isn't what it was when I read the other books.  :shrug:

Currently reading...  After I finished Blood to Drink, nothing sounded really interesting - which sometimes happens after I finish a good book - so I'm not currently reading anything.  I'll pick up something today.

What was on your reading list last week?


  1. Busy week for me. I zippsed through quite a few books. I read a really awesome book, sorta DNF'd two from the library, and jumped into one I'm enjoying after relistening to the first two in the series around the library holds. I'm still ahead on my challenge so that's good. I'm too lazy to go check which number these books are. Anyway, in no particular order...

    UGLY AND THE BEAST, B.E. Sanderson, paranormal fun, 5 stars, Kindle Unlimited but will buy when it goes to full price for the keeper shelf. Love this world, the characters, and this author. 😉 Sadly underappreciated. 😢

    THE SINNER (Black Dagger Brotherhood #something) JR Ward. Paranormal. 3 stars. I might have to read this one. In audio, I couldn't keep track of who, what, where, and most important why I should care. I made it almost halfway then skipped to the end. That didn't help. Ah well.

    THE ANCESTOR, Danielle Trussoni. No clue what catagory--mostly gothic but not romantic, touch of horror/supernatural(?), odd book. 4 stars. It was...different. Glad it came from the library.

    Currently listening to CRUSH THE PRINCE by Jennifer Estep. I enjoyed relistening to the first two books, KILL THE QUEEN, and PROTECT THE PRINCE. Fantasy. Both of them 5 stars. Awesome world building. KILL THE QUEEN is currently on sale for $2.99. You might check it out.

    And that's it for me. I was mostly writing/editing/submitting. Now I need to do a lot more of that and less listening/reading. 🤣

    Later, tator!

  2. I finished a trilogy from the 1980s that I should have DNFd. But I LOVED it in the 80s, and couldn't believe it could be so dull. Writing styles have changed a lot!
