Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Hungry Games Starring Catness Evermeow

Every Saturday morning, her majesty walks around the house meowing because she knows it's the day she gets canned food.  (And Sundays, which are, to her, second Saturday.)  This morning, I decided to document the fun.  While I was taking pictures, and she was dancing around keeping up a constant stream of meowing I happened to tell her that I didn't appreciate her catness... which led to today's post title.

So, without further ado, here's our version of The Hungry Games....

(I didn't get pics of the start of the Games, wherein she paced in the kitchen merowring while the Hubs asked her "What Day Is It?" like the commercial camel and then I sang "It's Kitty Tuna Time" which brought her running into the office.)

First off, she shows me exactly where her food should be placed...

Then she feigns disinterest while I get the food out of yon cupboard.

"Is Fancy Feast Turkey and Giblets acceptable to you, madam?"

Head-bonking of kitchen appliances begins while she waits impatiently for me to put it in the damn bowl...
Followed by pacing and expectant glares...

 ... until the time arrives for product placement
And the first round of gobbling can commence.

She'll eat part of it, go sleep and then come back later for more.

Thus ends today's Hungry Games.  Not quite as exciting as the movie or the book, but we work with what we have here.  ;o)


  1. Lmao That was hilarious. It's so funny how all cats do this. Finicky, demanding creatures.

    1. Thanks, Nat! Yes, they are finicky and demanding, but they enrich our lives. (Or at least that's what I tell myself when they're really annoying.)

  2. LOL! Somebody needs to do a parody YouTube of Catness Evermeow. Priceless stuff! And clever you to come up with it. :D

    1. I'm surprised someone hasn't already, Silver. I sometimes wonder if that's how she came up with the MC's first name - pondering the catness of her own kitties.

  3. Wonderful! I love Catness more than I like anything I've heard or read about the Hunger Games (toooo depressing for me!). The Hungry Game reminds me of my old cat -- the current boyo has almost no interest in canned food. Weird, I know. :-)

    1. I read The Hunger Games, Deb, and it wasn't too bad until the last book. I'm glad you enjoyed my version. My boy kitty can't eat anything but canned, and the girl's so fat, she only gets canned on the weekends. Cat's are, by their nature, weird. ;o)

  4. You should have titled one of those pictures: "Why do you keep taking my picture? Put the damn food down already!" :)
